
Showing posts from April, 2020

Midnight Rider

This week my radar detector came across a large deposit of pyrite. Novelty items of former monetary significance. Perhaps some refer to those things artifacts. I call them attitudes. Life's moments that aren't understood immediately, then handicapped in an attempt to critique the outspoken artist. Tainted descriptions that should stain the mind and present a Scarlet Letter to all else. There comes a time when you're roaming around and you speak freely that the judgment nips up at you. Like a librarian shushing you in the middle of a wonderful conversation, intolerance is an ugly hypocritical word. Ancient etiquette That's predatory in our time. These measures used to try and make people look foolish. Take for instance "cat-calling," such as a construction worker whistling at a walker-by. Now is using the word cat some aversion to vulgar descriptions of female or anatomy? These aren't events involving felines. What does the discussion of this slang me...

The Risk of Murder [Video]

And now... The Risk of Murder available:  HERE

Side Tracked.

Proposing a difference of race is an invisible crutch. An, ineffective, manipulation when folks don't have any argument to make. An attempt to attack the credibility of a person presenting fact. The character of the speaker has a bearing on what you believe. Doesn't change the facts. Race, is the entirety of the human species. The word is a classification to identify our type of mammal. Now there are variations breaking this down inside of a species, like strains of a virus. That's not true for people. This is why biologists and scientists don't ever separate people based on this pseudo-classification of races existing between a species. That idea is inaccurate; though there are fragments which describe the type of skeletal structure based on Old World geography. Exaggerated things inevitably find their way into the dictionary when they are passed around enough to be recognized. Language is relative - science is not. Ta...

The Evidence of Discovery (Video)

By Michael L. Craver Available:    HERE

The Evidence of Discovery

By  Michael L. Craver This article comes from personally exchanging several hundred thousand messages about dating in my lifetime. Why isn't it a million? Perhaps it is, but I can only verify the 6-digit version. Each thing I want to express here is an aversion to my public service announcement. This is about having the best experiences possible. My hope is for you to find them entertaining and useful. I had fun putting them together. The term making them up does not apply because I personally use each one of these things. In my estimation most folks that try to have a conversation are met with this Bell curve of events. There are many people who will exchange less than a dozen messages. The numbers begin to go down when you start talking about exchanging phone numbers or social media information. It's even less likely to have an actual voice or video interaction. Despite those things, there is a wishbone some folks take to jump straight into trying to meet someone. I d...

Finding Levity in Tragedy (The Video)

Available:    HERE

#ReOpenNC (Video)

Available:    HERE


By Michael L. Craver You can open and free up all those beds and money that the nursing home is dragging Medicaid through. The billions of dollars special needs people are weighing down on the health care costs of insurance companies. Sure, that's going to make everything better. Who knew that circulated air conditioning in schools and restaurants would be the ambitious people's armistice? A modern answer to the gas chambers. Scouring the lungs of the weak as the economy gets stronger. There will be less pollution, more space, and people will actually get their inheritance. This will restore balance to the lifespans we have modified with medical science. A refreshed and lowered population will be stronger. Able to live in the houses no longer occupied by weaker immune systems. If you stay home those people get to breathe for a while longer. I don't mind either way. I've not purchased health insurance nor do I have it given to me. If something happens, yes I would ...

Parole... (now on Home Video)

Parole Available:  Here Questions, Comments, Conerns:


By  Michael L. Craver Human beings are the only species with prisons. Places where the inhabitants are ruled by inside forces. The inmates could overtake the system. However, they'd run out of food and resources. They could not sustain their way of life. Guards come and inspect the living quarters. They're seeking to control contraband and unhealthy materials. Malicious types of items and ideas are taken away. But, the Earth does it differently. As we heat up the planet, forest fires burn hotter and longer. Water is relocated like prisoners shifting between cells. Human beings call this absence of water a drought. That's not true. The same elements were always here. Through the course of living and industrialization they move around. Sure, Timmy Jacobs doesn't have the same pond on his property. The same water is in the ecological system somewhere else. His fish are dead while someone is under water. Plants are relocated for beauty and engineered for drug use. A...

The Square Root of Dreams [Video]

The Square Root of Dreams Available:  HERE

The Square Root of Dreams

By  Michael L. Craver That is when he finally had to let her go. They both saw it coming. A long time ago they'd sat by a fire. Discussed the possibility that their ambition would divide them. Both had agreed to suck it up and do they are part. Now it was time to separate and carry their own share... Any reasonable couple would be doing the same thing. Just a few moments ago she was riding on his back. Legs wrap around his hips while his bare feet pounded the sand. Then laughing and exhausted he fell at the water's edge. She splashed in the smallest of salted bubbles. She wondered what outside force brought them down. The trip before it was the crabs. What did they expect playing on the beach at night? Two strangers making love in the distance. Too late to meander around waiting from afar, they tip-toed up the waterline and spotted the hotel. She climbed up his hips in the moonlight to make it exciting. So, he grabbed her thighs tight and dashed down the beach. She was b...

Every Last Drop [Video]

Backstory and the reading of... Every Last Drop available:  HERE

The Risk of Murder

By  Michael L. Craver Because at times we are wondering past the point of reason. The heat of passion expanding our judgment beyond normalcy. We cannot be reasoned with because we are past that boundary. We're not lost or misguided, just past the brink. Unexplored territory that leaves rational to be rediscovered. Courses of action we chose despite the lack of thought. Each one is subject to hypothetical peer review by folks unable to know the pressure.  Outside of feeling and consequence lies the pursuit of truth. An abstract idea which I describe as what you believe, until you have accurate information. Events deliberated in an ironically structured setting. After all the tension has played out something permanent, a community will create folklore. From these tales choices will be made; acceptance or aftershocks. Faced with assessing fault and placing value. As if deputized into the role of adjusting insurance. Sometimes we take a total loss. Another variation ...

Reasons Mick Foley is a hero:

By  Michael L. Craver Today, I ran across the quote below... I immediately wrote the rest of this in about a half hour. Perhaps someone special will read it. Have fun. " Let me share a little Foley-Flair story with you: following the Natalya vs Charlotte WWE NXT match at NXT Takeover on May 29th, 2014 – the match I still consider to be THE game-changer in ‪#‎WomensWrestling‬ in WWE – I spent several hours (more hours than any writing project I’ve done in the last three years) trying to express just how meaningful that match had been. I received a message from Charlotte telling me how much she appreciated my words, and I wrote back “You know, your dad and I might not agree on much…but we both believe in you .” Since I first saw him in 1994 he's been playing with my mind. There's something magical about him. I bought the bootleg copies of WCW Christmas Brawl & WCW Slam Jam . I had to have the songs. "Broken bones on a concrete floor are really m...


By Michael L. Craver Though long ago they poured the final glass, he’s shaking the bottle. Getting out every ounce of moisture. Though this rolled message in a bottle will have curvatures and be uncontrollably curled, he doesn’t want any water damage. She’s a tornado of a three-year old and the cup used to be full of her favorite juice. Mom is just behind her on the couch trying to keep up. The Starbucks is nearly depleted. Was it enough fuel for her to catch the zest of her loins? Coffee vs re-hydrated toddler… Rehab is tomorrow and he’s having one for the road, to recovery. Tasting the barley and sitting in a familiar seat. Saying goodbye to a place, in his life, he will use as a reference point. Taking a new direction. Many things he will never remember, bottomless nights. Yet, this final glass will last forever. A rendezvous by the window. Sitting inside for a warm meal and sharing stories like a father and son playing catch. Then… a waiter is searching. He finds them...