Midnight Rider

This week my radar detector came across a large deposit of pyrite. Novelty items of former monetary significance. Perhaps some refer to those things artifacts. I call them attitudes. Life's moments that aren't understood immediately, then handicapped in an attempt to critique the outspoken artist. Tainted descriptions that should stain the mind and present a Scarlet Letter to all else.

There comes a time when you're roaming around and you speak freely that the judgment nips up at you. Like a librarian shushing you in the middle of a wonderful conversation, intolerance is an ugly hypocritical word. Ancient etiquette That's predatory in our time. These measures used to try and make people look foolish.

Take for instance "cat-calling," such as a construction worker whistling at a walker-by. Now is using the word cat some aversion to vulgar descriptions of female or anatomy? These aren't events involving felines. What does the discussion of this slang mean about the acceptance of the terminology? Now does that emasculate itself if reversed as same sex folks holler back at the jobsite of men? Are you considering the equality involved with woman working on these projects now? What's their role in having the same urges versus an opportunity to avoid the behavior? 

Today's world is filled with safe space and groups that claim to have a collective mouthpiece for people who are not being included. Who's not allowed in their membership you might ask? You might think the answer is nobody. Anyone can join the ACLU. Anyone can join the humane society. Yet other groups that claim to advocate toward a more tolerant world are in fact exclusive. 

You would think that anyone who supports their cause, would be welcome and yet? These are folks who twist and misinterpret language to try to make things taboo. Taking open ended statements and attaching a negative connotation. If only these folks were electricians or scientists. What a handy capable skill it would be to magically assign positive and negative charge to things.

The reality is, that for a man like me who operates with math and science and English, these people are very insignificant. Now my English teachers would tell me not to use the word very. But I'm going to let those folks figure out what very means in terms of insignificance. Because when you multiply by zero it doesn't really change anything does it.

Generally, I use my platform and my creativity for positive and interesting discussions. Yet, there are days where I will shine a bright light on the suspects. The inadvertent interrogation that happens when folks really come out of the proverbial closet. Sure that's like a triple entendre. Utilizing the word verb, closet, all of the unveilings that you may or may not see.

Which is sort of the point of this entire article. My ability to draw up this mind game where there are a number of objects in front of you. One of the questions to solve is, how many things are in front of you?

Many of the things that I write have an indefinite number of interpretations. That's why I write them. My pleasure comes from the many folks who message me after I put up an article like this. They come back to me and say that they've read it multiple times. Sometimes each and every reading gives a different meaning. 

That is the point. To keep you on your toes and let you think. But the open-ended things that I unveil are simply questions. I don't have a stake in the outcome and I would rather see people happy. So, when you find yourself aligning things toward an unpleasant light, then you're reflecting what is on the inside of you. Those are souly your intentions. You are solely responsible. 

I don't have any ill will or hidden intentions. My goal is for everybody to have a better world and to enjoy themselves. Even the times that we disagree and we're working toward progress. Through those uneasy processes, someone is not going to get their choice.

The idea is for everybody to agree that we've all gotten ourselves into the best direction possible. Every now and then thighs that I say are designed to unearth fool's gold. It does it for me and for those watching along.

Because sometimes you need to make a fool out of yourself to be able to show people an example. The problem with most readers of an article like this is that it's hard to know what's to take away from it. But I'm going to tell you that because I went into situations without a vested interest, whatever outcome I get is by design. The experience is a experiment.

Sometimes you're just part of something that you may or may not want to hear. If you're religious then you can find yourself agreeing with that easily. Those who went to a higher institution of learning know this is a part of science. A sample pool, sometimes divine, others controlled by man. I'm using the same process as a sociological expedition. 

We all appreciate modern medicine. As well as the many aspects of quality control for nearly everything we buy. So, if you're upset with me doing this as an individual then I ask you to look at your life. Find me those things in your cabinet that don't have a nutrition label. Find me these products that you buy without warnings.

Then realize that if you think this article is about you, you've been footnoted. Which is about the same as kicking rocks. At that point does it really matter if you're made of pyrite or if you're just a petrified remain from some other carnivorous animal? Remember I put things eloquently so that you can think positively and draw your own conclusions.

Odds are if I didn't mention you by name, that too is by design. They'll find you in the works cited section in the back with the rest of the footnotes. You didn't make the cut. Because I don't use proper nouns for people who aren't operating properly. 

Every experiment needs standard deviation. For math and science and English things like statistics play an important part. It's how excellence is measured. Folks have argued with me about being individuals and they're unique situations. I have encouraged them to argue this logic to any doctor when told that they have above average symptoms. You straighten that quack out. Enjoy your higher blood pressure numbers without consequence!

I spoke earlier about the tainted artist. The painter whom works on a finite canvas with infinite dreams. Math can be used to measure his playground. Science can attempt to examine his thought process. English structures the discussion of explanation. Does the creator even truly understand? Even so, what level of presumption is anyone else to speak on his behalf.

A set of ideals is wonderful. Structure and accountability play key roles in abstract ideas. The root of nature underneath all of that is simply life. A young man can gamble his entire life, only winning a single time. Is he statistically lucky? Perhaps we have words for this view society might use to shame him for reckless and improbable chances. His version of events revolves around how he made his own luck and even won once.

Is he accountable to the rest of us or to himself? Perhaps answering only to his creator? Are you willing and comfortable to judge another's relationship with their spirituality? If you have an affirmation to that question then I applaud you. For surpassing anything you might do as a human being. Taking on the equivalent of another person's higher power is something special. You've become immortal in your own mind. I stand back in wonder because my simple structure of natural laws no longer apply to you. My hat is off to you, as an homage to this church of a world beneath you.

Of course, none of that is possible. I'd use my English to describe the their mathematical lack of ascendancy. Then verify the equation scientifically. Does that leave me in judgement of anyone? Perhaps I have my own suspicions. Ones I'll wait to share later. A simple 'I told you so' that's not part of any hypothesis. Just thoughts about about investment and ventures I never took part in.

I implore you to find anywhere I've told someone they have an unfixable issue. Show me any label I might have given to something where a simple modification of the recipe doesn't mean a completely different outcome. Anyone can reassign values and reshape who they are like the nutritional facts of consumables. Change up the percentages and perhaps altering the odds. But, is that really about gambling or are all of these simple sentences riddle with meaning?

Bo Jackson is one of my favorite men, ever. Wearing number 34, ironically the atomic number of pyrite. Perhaps one of the greatest athletes to have ever lived. Though his teams were never really successful. Part of being an individual is the process of interpretation. An American amendment guaranteeing Freedom of Speech includes the right to be wrong. In a country of broken chains, perhaps by the weight of the weakest link, we're off the gold standard.

From the gambling man with a single win to the true myths of Vincent Edward, my mystery exists in this format. My aspirations are to keep your "what ifs" alive. In my view, not enough people are asking that question as they settle for less. These are my abstract ideas. Where I am accused, from time to time, of playing a character that's too real. Sit back and think about the complications in that statement.

I'm me and that's all I am ever going to be. What about you? Having any out of body experiences to judge people from above? Doing an ice bucket challenge of shame? Perhaps you're just letting people speak their mind freely. Remember you're responsible for what's in your head. Especially ways you think of others. My goal is to have folks think and be merry. If you know me I have Dr. Pepper handy. I don't drink alcohol, but if you do bottoms up, I know mine will be.

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