The M Path

by Michael L. Craver

Giving birth is the beginning of a new journey. Changing times mean no path is certain. The chance to succeed or fail is beyond any math or science… An obligation to evasively maneuver the winding roads that will remain under construction for eternity. Carrying a weight of unknown potential and sacrificing every moment going forward- the gravity of decisions.

The quality of our future depends on the choices of caregivers. The idea of ‘self’ is an extension of one’s body and incorporates everything that affects us. Doing for another is a karmic offering to the environment around us. The many moving elements of the world help determine each butterfly effect. What we do for ourselves includes the deeds toward others that bounce back our way.

Mothers are the ultimate scientists. Raising these live studies in humanity. Mixing the need for compassion and emotional balance with the bold truth of where the world is today. Having to choose what may or will be… Many think they understand the role and importance of the matriarch, but true respect would acknowledge there is no secondary comprehension of the motherhood experience.

There’s a hundred years of voting and three-quarters of a century with our mothers taking up the work force like never before. Nearly all morals are subject to daily debate; Freedoms of expression pushing the balance of mental health like never before. Have we yet to realize the benefit of one-on-one time between children and their mamas? There’s no way to undo it now…

These themes are pieces of artistic expression throughout history. The unattended garden, rogue wanderers or what happens with orphans. Moral folklore that has given us reminders of what can happen with absentia. Now, we live in the live-action sequel to all those fairy tales. Unfortunate lessons in a world that has underappreciated Mom and left us weaker.

In addition to the soul connection between parents and their children, are the inevitable growing pains for the entire family. As children bring home their newest lessons, the parental conversationalist is unveiled. From back in their day to how we are going to incorporate the changes of a new world at every level of the family. This is often a source of conflict- where mothers accept the children’s feelings that a world, even a father, may not agree with. The lack of support for them has altered everyone’s forecast.

Advocation is penultimate and this makes the accountability of a mother something only they can truly understand. To be the chief negotiator between kids and the world they must navigate. Troubles can place mom into the role of legal adviser, even co-defendant; Total acceptance leaves a mother as the unenvied publicist; Mom is the ultimate gambler… Every choice means she can win only once, but failures count twice.

When the years have taken their toll on our loved ones, there is a universal truth. Once children, now grown, may think of the finished work believing she deserves a better retirement plan and comfortable health. Mother nature is less compassionate. Prices are paid with sacrifice of the mind and body. Physically breaking down, but the fight for longevity continues with support.

Wrinkles like rust on the weathered body of our most cherished treasures. Conditions reflect the erosion from the storms of our lives. Memories change our moods. Listeners recording the stories of history and carrying the undocumented legacy in their soul.

There’s no specific point when we come to see our mother in her current age, if ever. Thinking of family photos and never realizing the odometer has remained in view. When systems fail the roles reverse. Attempting to accept things we cannot change about the people we love… its what Mom has done her entire life. Now, we do this for her. 

Following her lead into the unknown with the brightest of spirits, open hearts, and faith. Keeping optimism that we all end up better, the way she’s always shown us. Taking the wheel and providing a new order. Same as mother’s do for their children… If someone should fall, the able will carry them.

Reflecting on our abilities provided through genetics, hard lessons, and the journey’s long conversations. Our path can be confusing, so we go back to the compass from which our directions originated. Wisdom from the woman who made us. A new interpretation of the term: source material.

We return from the world to confirm mother’s suspicions. She’d known all along what we must discover. Once again, her intuition has been validated. Adding to the long list of predictions that came true. These prophecies that test her convictions begin in the heart. Somehow, she always knew… Yet, we’re still astonished each time. Finding a new depth to the pride we have for her support. She believed in us…


We find the essence of life in our bonds with others. None more sacred than the sanctuary of our origin. Coming from and aspiring to the honor of thy mother. Enslaving those monsters in the darkness brings tranquility where fear once stood. Graduating from child to guardian… For the sweetest of spirits that would drop it all to be where you are. Her atonement is repeating the cycle with grandchildren…

For a woman who is constantly encouraging a change where we do a little better and achieve something more- how is it that Mom's always been perfect, just the way she was…


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