
By Michael L. Craver

Human beings are the only species with prisons. Places where the inhabitants are ruled by inside forces. The inmates could overtake the system. However, they'd run out of food and resources. They could not sustain their way of life.

Guards come and inspect the living quarters. They're seeking to control contraband and unhealthy materials. Malicious types of items and ideas are taken away. But, the Earth does it differently. As we heat up the planet, forest fires burn hotter and longer. Water is relocated like prisoners shifting between cells. Human beings call this absence of water a drought. That's not true.

The same elements were always here. Through the course of living and industrialization they move around. Sure, Timmy Jacobs doesn't have the same pond on his property. The same water is in the ecological system somewhere else. His fish are dead while someone is under water.

Plants are relocated for beauty and engineered for drug use. Animals are rescued and observed after losing the war to technology. People go to the zoo and watch animals eat and play. Which is life and all it ever was. Playing inside of walls and monitored by people in uniforms. Every now and then they exercise nature upon the guards.

Farmers dig trenches to route water tables and irrigate according to their needs. Weather patterns cycle heat and moisture as well. When the planet does this in ecological cycles, leaving them unable to grow crops, somehow that's a tragedy. Folks build structure and put garbage into the atmosphere above. Every now and then a sinkhole opens and takes the garbage out.

Folks used to wander and explore into the unknown. Tasting wild berries and eating strange animals led to risky outcomes. However, like when a dog returns after being sprayed by a skunk, these circumstances infect single individuals. That's no longer how the see-saw is balanced.

After changing the nutritional properties of air and water. Each piece of the planet has evolved. Buildings are constructed to withstand great adversity from the exterior and below. Plants and animals also change inside to live in a modern world. Defenses make them dangerous in life or death. Some will prolong their life with tricks. Others will find revenge beyond their lifespan when their poison is eaten.

The planet itself is like a prison. Inside is a fixed amount of resources. Some can rejuvenate the air like trees cycling carbon dioxide. Portions of the Earth determine the temperature of the planet, like reflecting the sun's energy. But when they are altered a new course is determined.

A playground game between the species. As we change what's in the air and water, the things we consume have a new genetic makeup. Other species are fixed into this same prison system. What we do to the elements changes them. They are often weaker and humans then seek to modify them. Science being used to try and balance the needs of the living.

A species with this forecast would dress for the weather. Curve their behavior or perhaps their growth. A smaller number of people can lead a reckless life. A larger riot will ruin the balance of the system. Where is this prison where a riot ever lead to a new administration, run by the inmates? People will never outlive the ecological consequences of weather and disease. Studying the history of this planet has shown an undefeated record where the planet survives and species go extinct.

You'll sometimes here a number of species that have lived and are now gone. Yet, the same human beings who say that hold onto urns of ashes, as if their loved ones are still around. A census that says they are a portion of some former version of their ancestry. No one ever says they're a native of Pangea. The single continent that made up all land on Earth before the tectonic plates moved into the divided land we have today.

Fancy names and museums talk about the history of things that changed into what we have today. Weather altered things back then. Making worldwide changes to push the reset button. The same circumstances are happening all around you. A powerplant pretends they separate and store radioactive water in an ash pond. With freedom we just trust them to do such things. When we study those conditions later. We find a water table with radioactive elements affecting the surrounding world.

Plastics manufacturers and factories sending waste into the things the world consumes. The environment isn't limited to human beings. Folks picture the oil covered seagull or a duck with a plastic necklace and that's a dead animal. Those chickens and cows full modified for consumption are also the posterchild for arguing.

In India they want to build coal fired power to industrialize their country and have wealth. The quality of the planet will suffer. However, when asked why they wouldn't go green and stay away from coal, the answer was simple. They will after 150 years like other countries had the chance before them.

The air in this country is already a haze of smog. Paved roads, asphalt, that melts in the Summer because the ecology of the planet cooks these manufactured materials. This was not a consequence of a cooler planet with less corrosion to air and water.

Different weather patterns allow of less people to cause lots of trouble. A few people can steal. A riot has looters. The city becomes the prison riot.

The gentleman trying to convince India to go a different direction was disappointed. So, he looked out the window of this conference room, in a world that doesn't have the pollution of a country of a billion people with coal fired energy, yet. He simply replied with a question, "When is the sun coming out today?"

Look at the skyline in the cities of the world. Concrete jungles and deadly places with modern diseases. The major plagues of the world didn't happen in a countryside of farming where runts of the litter decompose under a tree. Settlers with an almanac for a forecast, but conditions to have the adventure of life.

Stepping back and looking at the puzzle pieces can help you. Focusing on the box with the photograph is telling you how it should be. Individuals in a prison system outnumber and overwhelm the system of justice being served. Guilty and innocent, even those sentenced to death, all trying to survive.

Animals are captured, studied, controlled, and even euthanized for the mercy and agenda of human beings. A standard we don't hold ourselves to. Other species can multiply and procreate often. Because the world's elements keep the herd thinning. Animals age and encounter obstacles and they die. Mother's over and over again with few, if any, children surviving. Compost to grow the roots of that rural tree.

People have changed that. Out of control themselves while attempting to oversee all other species. Weak, diseased, and otherwise fatal cases propped up by manufacturing the Earth's resources. The same manufacturing which lowers the quality of life overall. Altering the planet to bring strange problems back home.

A man who limps with a cane of petrified wood has done nothing to change the ecology of the planet. A different prop made of rubber and steel taxes the air quality and water table. We negotiate the environment and make an investment in his comfort. Oil is manufactured into rubber, and steel is forged by fire. The 50 shades of our planet see darker air and water. This is a poor investment where quality of life suffers.

Take guns for instance. The sound damages ear drums. Medical care enables people to fight and survive. Witnesses are traumatized by the images. Participants are mentally broken from the experience. Pharmaceutical corrections are possible through the same environmental taxes. The process that changes where Timmy Jacob's pond is located. The reason your children aren't missing as many, if any, snow days from school.

Only people would have an Earth Day as if they're celebrating a lynching. Folks want to assemble and protest a worldwide disease infringing upon their freedoms. But, when these folks are told that not wearing a seatbelt in a car they own is unlawful, they don't see the irony. Element 26 on the periodic table, iron. They argue about the 1% between them. This abstract idea of wealth and the battle for distribution.

Studies of the planet show that 99% of all species that have ever lived are gone. People are that one percent. Never understanding what the rest of the ecological playground always knew. Freedom doesn't happen in this prison of equality. Balance comes from the true understanding to live and let die. Survival and procreation being the two priorities of a species.

Even a prison has a fixed number of occupants and resources. The staff changes from time to time, in shifts. Like weather patterns. Some treat them better than others. But, in that tactical gear with all their might, they slaughter the inmates. The people who could only defend themselves with the crude resources they could manipulate. Earth as a master who taught the human beings all they know, not everything Mother Nature knows.

Diseases like weather patterns coming with the seasons and in cycles. Incubation rates and spread are determined by the conditions of the planet. A place altered by people and now more dangerous for them to live. A lower quality, longer life. Just what a manufactured discount world of possessions means. Simple supply and demand explains that having more is less valuable.

Overcrowded prisons means less distance between people. These sort of conditions leave systems looking for a way to figure out which people should be let go early. Nature already figured that out. On a long enough scale the autoimmune and respiratory problems humans face are setting some folks up for parole. A sort of ecological rehabilitation for the planet.

Like the unpleasant nature of living next to the prison. People are the root of these issues. We don't mind living next to neighbors. That system of responsibility and structure for the outlaws of the world isn't a good fit for our community. Perhaps Mother Nature's advice from the air, water, and social distancing necessary to survive will leave a new respect when it comes to procreation.

After all, rehabilitation is an abstract idea that people use. Things are always just fine in nature. Our changes lower the chance for human survival. Disaster is a label we give to normal events on this dynamic planet. Things were beautiful before us. A self-correcting world that's drastically changed our lives on this Earth Day 2020.

This snapshot in drastic lifestyle changes for human beings. Captured and hung on the cell wall of a planetary correctional facility. People fighting to survive against Mother Nature. A time to respect elders. Things here before that will be here after we are gone.

My description of the forecast for every day of this life is the same direction my grandfather used when taking a photo, "act natural." The good, the bad, and the ugly of life are perfectly natural.

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