Side Tracked.

Proposing a difference of race is an invisible crutch. An, ineffective, manipulation when folks don't have any argument to make. An attempt to attack the credibility of a person presenting fact. The character of the speaker has a bearing on what you believe. Doesn't change the facts.

Race, is the entirety of the human species. The word is a classification to identify our type of mammal. Now there are variations breaking this down inside of a species, like strains of a virus. That's not true for people. This is why biologists and scientists don't ever separate people based on this pseudo-classification of races existing between a species. That idea is inaccurate; though there are fragments which describe the type of skeletal structure based on Old World geography. Exaggerated things inevitably find their way into the dictionary when they are passed around enough to be recognized. Language is relative - science is not.

Take for instance, Pangea, the original continent. Geographically everything begins there/here. How can you only be the continent as named today, and not before continental drift? This skewed logic is applied to the "natives" of North America. Folks who crossed the Bering Strait from Asia. Being mislabeled by Columbus in a description repeated for the last half-millennia. However, the census further complicates this because India is a country inside of Asia... yet, people inside of the continent identify into tribes based on fresher and smaller borders. Quite confusing to think of everyone who is in North America, then having a border crisis based on people coming into "America..."

Folks born in the Sudetenland during the Germanic occupation of World War II are Deutsch? That's if you're trying to nationalize people. The indigenous people of India and its territories today are in Asia. They always were. Borders change; continents remain. Through anthropological history of Mongoloids the path of early North American occupants can be accurately accounted for. Yet, labels reflect periods in time despite the evolution of science.

Adding to the mess are forms and applications which classify folks into skin color, but confuse the regional accuracy of anyone involved. There is no American option on the form. However, someone can select Hispanic - which covers 4 continents and both hemispheres of the planet. African-American is rooted in skin color or melanin rather than anyone covered in the geography of the African continent.

People from Libya and Egypt are rarely identified as African-American. Yet, they are from the continent of Africa. Isn't this so strange... This is like the online support of people "standing with." I stand with the people of... With, as in you stand here and they stand there. Only they occupy their seat at life's concert. Besides, who would need a sign for people they are actually standing next to- Did you leave a vacant spot for Captain Obvious to land when he flies in?

Most of these political confusions are inconvenient attempts at shame or some illogical argument to geography without any real consistency. The idea works if you are born here, but look a certain way? So, why's Chione over there not an African American when his ancestors built the Sphinx and the Pyramids? Being Egyptian is separate from being African, because people decided they own a certain corner. This excludes a heavy segment of human beings from their history.

Speaking of, back to continents, Pangea. Which nullifies continental drift and all the nonsense that goes along with segregating people. If you're aren't able to comprehend that race is an entire species of people, or that everyone comes from the same continent, then you are the one dividing people. If you're willing to go back in time and label people based on origin, what's the universal starting point? Sure Pangea broke into the modern 7 continents prior to upright homo-sapiens. But, why would you develop forms that ask for citizenship and separately ask for ethnicity?

Classifying human beings into strange categories with half-science is anti-progress. Much like attaching yourself to some selective piece of a moving land masses. Where you pick and choose your history and forget there's a bigger idea you don't want to be part of. That's anti-species, which is far more discriminatory than singling yourself out because you have attention issues. Including citizens that provide security, contribute to economics, and function within the infrastructure is a matter of operation.

Yet, when tribalism becomes a point to argue, there's often an emphasis that one group doesn't understand the historical struggles of the other. This is a lack of education. With all of our resources, the world is still categorized and the people boxed into columns like traffic lanes attempting to reach the same destinations with different speeds.

Opportunities exist for greater respect and less divisive words to describe people who are all the same species. Words should not define the value of anyone involved. Mere demographics which don't determine the outcome of a race, just a way of numbering the participants. Everyone is in the world together.

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