The Risk of Murder

By Michael L. Craver

Because at times we are wondering past the point of reason. The heat of passion expanding our judgment beyond normalcy. We cannot be reasoned with because we are past that boundary. We're not lost or misguided, just past the brink.

Unexplored territory that leaves rational to be rediscovered. Courses of action we chose despite the lack of thought. Each one is subject to hypothetical peer review by folks unable to know the pressure. 

Outside of feeling and consequence lies the pursuit of truth. An abstract idea which I describe as what you believe, until you have accurate information. Events deliberated in an ironically structured setting.

After all the tension has played out something permanent, a community will create folklore. From these tales choices will be made; acceptance or aftershocks. Faced with assessing fault and placing value. As if deputized into the role of adjusting insurance. Sometimes we take a total loss. Another variation includes our responsibility to pay for the damage in a variety of ways.

Now taking shelter behind an advocate to tell your side of the story. A new protection in defense of freedom. Possible outcomes mean you're not out of harm's way. Fresh and unrelenting pressure for a series of proceedings. There is no question who's accountable. Only a matter of debt. 

An invoice billing the survivor. Attempts to settle the matter heading toward bankruptcy. Paying fiscally and spiritually leaving little means to continue. No matter the finality, a moral accusation is a balance which isn't ever truly settled.
The location of fate negotiated like True North without a compass. Our human condition weighing the temporary options against the terminal ones. Acting immediately with indefinite impact. 

How can anyone know the forecast? The circumstances we are able to live with dictate what is worth dying for. As time passes the weather patterns change. We prepare accordingly. If someone fell into a need for preservation, history can be inconsistent with their story.

We've been unkind as sentimentality and emotions took higher priority closer to the present. A bias which was not present in the struggles of the past. As time has gone on, we seek to have no waste. Which is applicable to processing and prosecution.

From manufacturing to manslaughter, offenders are socially outcast. The pollution of morality. The obscure changes to the climate or the loss of a single life. Aren't each of these things natural causes? Lava which overwhelms a car attempting to escape down the slope of a volcano is natural. The planet simply does these things with the right pressure.

A neighbor carted off to the morgue after a lifelong dispute isn't a natural outcome? Forget the legislation that surrounds due process of any abstract ideas like crime. Isn't gravity a force of nature? Then any stockbroker who feels the moral and fiscal pressure of bankruptcy may use this natural means to an end.

As much as stimulants activate our neurological sectors, anger brings about worldly repercussion. Alcohol has normal behaviors associated with it.  Gambling with fear has possible rewards. Such as one-side cowering down or finding peace with neutrality. 

Premeditation that gives us advantages. When you dismiss everything judiciary, there's strictly a matter of free will. Tempting one's own fate in these modern times. Executing the desired outcome. A readiness to accept the altered environment. 

This irreversible new direction falls into traffic with the other manipulations around. Like a highway of human experiments patterns will change as accidents happen. Cleanup slowing progress and closing avenues perceived to progress us to our destination.

Flags wave over the guise of broader agendas. Exchanging lives via tactics to control principles and police the world's political highways. Violating conventions and unilateral agreements brings about tribunals. These are afterthoughts during the war for truth.

These situations are fundamentally about right and wrong. Those who forsake doing what they are willing to live with perish. Unable to see the vision their adversary carried out. For them, the evolution will not be televised. The future can only be written by those who may lift a hand. 

Previously untold stories are put together as projects. Speaking for those not around to take the witness stand. Whether aggression or self-defense, those able to speak on their behalf rolled the dice successfully. Existing after perilous dangers. 

The price they may ultimately pay is unclear. Perhaps a decision they decide for themselves. A level of conscious guilt like an albatross anchoring their soul. The weight of which knocking them off the pedestal that kept them from hanging around. Alive after altercation, where the cost of fortune is dependent upon the risk of murder. 



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