Would you travel with Judas?

Complacency is philosophical cancer. Second-guessing represents quicksand. Lack of commitment takes on various forms. The explanation for this inability to decide [and proceed] with an investment is rarely clairvoyant. The skepticism and delays produce external questions. This creates new items which need resolution for progress to occur. 

Social mechanisms of putting in effort; met with a series of accumulated or eligible choices. These are the things people say they need. Yet, sometimes, a denial is issued- though all of the requirements were met. Defended by the abstract idea of choice. Still, there were a series of established parameters and goals now fulfilled. Where decisions are concerned: outcomes remain completely subjective and unpredictable. This unreliable process destroys faith in communication.

The understood benchmarks and needs are not binding, they are merely suggestions. Rewards for meeting these criteria are uncertain. Prospects are more accurately described as judgmental. Any fantasies that the decider is an examiner would be false. Mood, not evidence, is the deciding factor. A nightmare for logistical minds because the established steps to any process are pieces of a lottery. For this reason, the applicant is more of a gambler. They must consider the uncertainty when deciding to put in any effort at all. Because hard work doesn't guarantee anything and often no work brings about the desired rewards. 

Therefore, statistically the best use of resources is not to engage or even try.  The cliche of saving your breath or energy... The chances are not in the favor of sound investment. Everything is closer to luck. Use the time and energy somewhere else and still have the same chances to end up rewarded without work. 

Is this mood over etiquette or the breaking of promises... Those who argue choice and freedom will explain everything is a judgement based on mood. However, there's no wiggle room. If this is not purely based on emotions or subjective timing... There is no alternative. If facts drive the process, the outcomes will have evidentiary explanation. 

Like any arrangement with a child's allowance or a binding agreement for wages, meeting the needs and rules will require the predetermined outcome. Because arbitration not only binds people to reward one another, it is regarded as earned. A sort of forced integrity for folks to do what they say. Whether social contract or business arrangement- Arguing this open to mood or disavowing the parties of maintaining their integrity, destroys the reliability, faith, and future of any human contract. 

Whether written or keeping your word, the proposal of what is desired has been communicated. The subjectivity or lottery of leaving efforts open to interpretation changes the intent of those involved. Someone working toward a goal believes they understand a binding system of communicated outcomes. Imagine instead the participant is told they simply volunteered or that they've tried in vain because the payment or goal isn't there anymore. This drives insecurity and skepticism to higher levels. Destroying the faith in any future combined with a sense that there is no real understanding. Now there is not a solid record of feeling confident. 

The security of discussing any process where effort follows is not an understanding. What once was integrity, a sort of civil blueprint for following the steps and having a solid foundation is now a game. Does there need to a be discussion of what is needed? Modern practices with choice, moods, and leaving every effort put up for judgement have altered the math. The idea of effort equals reward doesn't hold true. We have a new world where the discussions and needs to be met are a gamble. Where even if you truly and intimately comprehend the process, there's still a game of odds. Understanding and gambling are one and the same. 

Knowledge means less if anything. Effort does not hold absolute value. Meaning the words that establish what two parties feel are not something that can be trusted. When one party needs to feel valued and they communicate their needs... The effort to meet those needs is not absolute. The work can be interpreted and judged. 

This leaves the party putting in the effort without any value for their mental awareness, for communicating and understanding, and investing in the other party has no solid value. All of this is up in the air and open to choice and mood. Did both parties understand? Were the needs met? Where is the preferential reward for services rendered? For business situations there are many paths to recuperate. When this is a different agreement between individuals, they have civil courts to decide. When the same situation is between loved ones all bets are off. An ironic expression when every effort is a meaningless gamble. 

Any argument that there is an appreciation, still doesn't establish any absolute value. The process is unreliable and have becoming increasingly subjective to social pressures as time goes on. This is a key factor in where individuals put in effort and why they choose to invest in reliable processes or control of outcomes due to the unpredictable nature of relationships.

Playing games, taking up a hobby, pursuing a passion or even entrepreneurship. Because there is an integrity to hold themselves accountable. Even without a guaranteed reward, the idea of doing it alone and succeeding is a greater prospect than doing things with another individual that leads to a feeling of betrayal or confusion. If a person is standing alone at the carousel of luggage nearly home from his journey, then how many traveling partners feel comfortable when a solitary man is left holding the bags?

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