If Moses were a Methodist...

A man who could get along with any other
Yet, he passionately loved to cross words daily

While some may not appreciate his sense of style
His wardrobe could supply anyone a few Pointers

Flying into his diary each day
His pen was the Pilot

Always wound and chambered, a sprightly thumb waits to fire
Each shot aimed to preserve subjects in the wild

His preference was to capture others performing natural acts
By contrast he posed with statuesque fluidity

Moments in time transferred to albums
No-nonsense captions scribed beneath every entry

The typewriter crafting historical narratives on his custom desk

Just as the machete surgically carved fresh trails for generations to follow

A tenor worthy snore came only after jobs were complet
Sitting upright dreaming under an afternoon sun

Cleaning every fish and still the last one to sit down for the meal
A soldier’s lifelong mission in service to his fellow man

Awarded medals for bravery under General Ike
Courageous youth honored in his name by Coach Mike

A legacy of spiritual lessons between man, family, and god
Covenants lighting our way as we carry the sacred history of our Patriarch

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