The Inability to Object

 A few words about wrestling...

Props serve a purpose when things cannot stand on their own. So, we easily understand why cars don't have kickstands. Supplemental is a more accurate word for objects in wrestling. Just as the social services department helps folks in need of welfare... this is meant to help balance their situation until they can get back on their feet. Where they don't need to be propped up or rely on anything. Some folks refer to themselves as independent workers, yet have these Carrot Top like assortments to keep some sense of stimulation. This is just analogically paradoxical to see people who are often so young in need of enhancements. Hardcore is a code word for wrestling dysfunction.

Physics matter. Folks go through these wacky wrestling matches like a horror movie with a series of obstacles, objects, and sporadic situations that don't make any sense. Matches that are the equivalent of trying to cut a tree down with an axe, maul, hatchet, pushing it down with a backhoe, and a chainsaw - in no particular order and there's a suspension of not only disbelief, but laws of nature.

Which foreign objects beat people? Chairs, hammers, brass knuckles, and the legendary established items... so why wouldn't "hardcore" wrestlers just walk to the ring with a set of knucks and keep swinging? Instead there's a series of not so tough items used in no particular order, as if the local elementary school is having field day and the chronology isn't important. Yes, it is. Take Lethal Weapon and rearrange the scenes, does the movie still make sense? Hit music is purely choruses, etc. No.

The funny part is that hardcore wrestlers generally make less money. People go into oil rig, coal mining, and other strenuously dangerous work because the reward is significant to match the damage their bodies may suffer... Now imagine folks just destroy themselves without any elevation for the risk vs reward... I can only imagine the reasons people could try to give. Yet, nothing about their logic is going to change the pay, production, danger or generally demeaning ratio of what happens.  

These matches take place with the same people so regularly, its as if a man like Evel Knievel had a weekly show. People wouldn't keep coming back. If the Super Bowl halftime show happened at every game, it wouldn't be special anymore either. This is why iconic people like Freddy, Jason, etc are in horror movies spaced out over time.

We can go back to The Undertaker vs Foley, and you can clearly see one man got his tail kicked over, under, and everywhere - then pinned. The beating did not go both ways. Why don't hardcore shows sell out larger arenas? The same reason local tough man competitions aren't packing out any spaces. People don't necessarily care to see relatively unknown people do battle. No matter what circumstances or stunt man nonsense is presented, an audience cannot genuinely care about people who do not evolve. Same people, same gimmicks, same lame objects and generally harmless situations every show.

Know who the first guy I ever heard of to use a door in a wrestling match was...? I think it was me. 23 years ago. We got a lot of cheap ones because I worked at a lumber yard. Its all on video, I never saw anyone use one before that- but, I am very open to new information. We used them in ways with chairs, corners, etc as a means to an explosive finish because the lauan of panel doors makes decent noise and it was so much cheaper than tables.

Back then was ECW, Public Enemy, Sabu, and all the fuss for extreme wrestling. Jumping off high places, breaking tables, and causing mayhem. Today, we are smarter and know about CTE etc... Its a ridiculous way to operate.

If it was really that hardcore, just DDT or piledrive a man on the floor. Why would anyone choose random, sometimes edged, objects instead of pulling out a knife? I can hit him with an aluminum pan... or a baseball bat? Everything has been done at this point. Anything that hasn't has to have been forgotten for a quarter century. Spare the idea that there's an art to any of it. Fetlife, BDSM, and a variety of other cult thinking individuals will present you the art of punishing someone. This was previously known as corporal punishment and any teacher could spank a kid. Sure, that could be fun to watch. Someone getting a receipt for their behavior.

Its just not that 'hardcore' after the Jigsaw movies or motorized equipment used in matches. When's the last time anyone had a deathmatch to the death? Every time both participants lived to be on a show in the near future... Was it really that traumatic?

No one is fooling anyone anymore, its a wrestling & FailArmy crossover. Promoters like OnlyFans founders are more than happy to let people prostitute and shame themselves while they collect administrative and other means of income. Justifying your bottom-level skills as a grappling stripper doesn't beef up a resume in any way. You don't really see those Arena Football and otherwise minor league people from sports around the world claiming they are justified in their bubble as content. So far away from the biggest spotlight is not where they aspired to end up. These are simple refuges lacking skill and opportunity to have done something that requires a more disciplined result. 


Many folks feel sorry for these men because historically there have been oppressed and enslaved people who didn't have a choice. However, choosing to remain willfully ignorant, and even so clueless as to argue merit about this stagnantly complacent lifestyle is a tragic. With all the information about chronic traumatic encephalopathy, along with knowing what causes arthritis and other degeneration, the choice to exercise freedom into these intentionally desperate situations is a wicked insecurity. Psychiatry covers so many of these pitfalls and still people choose major risk with little to no reward.

Having a discussion with someone who makes these sorts of choices could yield what? Attempting to have an intellectual discussion with someone so willing to compromise safety and cognizance shows a true absence of their own preservation. What possible compassion would a person who is unwilling to do the best for themselves possibly render when it comes to valuing the time of others?

In a business where things are intricately designed to work smoothly with the appearance of peril... What does it mean to hurl yourself into peril? The opposite of industry goals. The questions to ask these folks are simple... What is the merit? What are the gains? How can it be scaled to a bigger future? Each of these questions shows the long-term road map for anything treacherous.

The goal of any dangerous maneuvering is to get to safer ground and finish the journey. Doing things smarter if any future situation should arise. Avoiding danger if at all possible. Any different is foolish. Seeking a fool's life is not something worth discussing.

Many places in the world still resemble the way things were before industrialization and science helped to preserve and enhance our lives. We feel sorry for the people who choose this devolution into the past, into uncertain and poor choices. However, like with addicts - the best choices are to ask them to accept help or cut them off. Without a doubt these folks have their own opinions. Protected by the First Amendment, and it entitles them to their wrong opinion. They're not seeking evolution, longevity or a smarter way. These are people who can't do better and want to be absolved for their improprieties.

They've been acknowledged as much as the person with an unscrupulous yard at the end of the block. The house that brings down the property value of the neighborhood. These lackluster choices have an umbrella effect on everyone. Because for something that should require skill and integrity. The wrestling name and likeness is used in these environments. These prop folks with dangerous objects were not so clever they came up with their own atmosphere and rules. They're bootlegging wrestling into the mix, just as the Russian equivalents of MMA with weapons.

Theater covers a great many landscapes. Whether that is a broad canvas to encompass the events of war or a local production on a stage. What the English call football, Americans call soccer. Football in the States means something different... The same rules of analogy apply to wrestling vs hardcore wrestling. There is not a crossover and they are not the same contests. The goals and mental fabric are not the same, and anything similar is a coincidence.

Folks who manufacture drugs often use scientific instruments and processes. Though going against the merits of respected science. Having a local meth lab is not the same as a laboratory... Having a local promotion does not mean that progressive professional wrestling is inevitably happening.

Often broken families, domestic violence, and mayhem all happen inside of a house. A home, is an abstract idea; state of mind. Perhaps, a house resembles a home... Delusions are an interpersonal shortcoming. However, when presented the best information... Simple folks often don't believe the truth.

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