The Refractory: Vampirical Ideology

When only one party leads with optimism, there's a pontificating aftertaste. A sort of cliche that's used for gravitational tragedy; It's not the fall, but the sudden stop at the end. 

Parties come together for a meeting of the minds. However, when the complacent doesn't 'mind,' this plays out like skipping rocks. Pseudo strides that misleadingly give the impression of distance only to disappear as they're swallowed by darkness.

There is little coincidence that when someone gives the failing effort, the heart sinks. A feeling of cold emptiness as if the proverbial stone was their spirit. Hurling themselves into vulnerability before drowning in silence. 

Imagine suffocating because volunteering your feelings exhales the emotional soul. What's needed in exchange is the reply of affirmation. Being understood and refilled to breathe again. Instead, the essence of a person dissolves in a large open room, despite an abundance of air. 

True loneliness, in the company of another, willfully unacknowledged. Tennyson wrote, "'Tis better to have love and lost then to have never loved at all." 

Only the author of one's words can determine if regret exists - when expression fails to return value. Sharing is accompanied by purpose; self-reflection determines if there's a feeling of uselessness.

This does not mean the idea is void of quality. Just that the situation lacks reception. The innocence of not understanding is naivety. But, intentional ignorance through selective processing has the inevitable appearance of inflicting damage. 

What's more- is that trust deteriorates after the giver is left cold. Should they question the empathy of the listener at some point, a true conundrum now follows. Can the vulnerable maintain integrity and consideration if an argument happens? 

Thoughtful sharing falls on deaf ears... Should that same person maintain their level of attentiveness? Perhaps they follow the behavior they've experienced and decide to remain quiet.  The variety of choices now before then, that might be reasonable and fair, seem to include positive and negative intentions. 

Moments like these change objectives. Turning the accepted norms of give and take conversation into a mess of deciphering the freedom of nonverbal communication. Trying to determine what the lack of response means is now risky. The common courtesy of a reply was not present, breaking the trust of the original speaker. 

The unwinding of this thread of manners will show a scar in the fabric of a relationship; if it is ever repaired. Perhaps, the act is not selfish, just a moment of irony. Where the silent partner feels weakness and cannot communicate further.

Many opportunities exist beyond effort without result. Yet, seeking to understand requires further resources, adding dimensions to the conversation, now resolving previously unscripted issues. That is, if there's still interest. 

As long as silence may feel, it is an instantaneous killer of dialogue. Negative replies may bring arguments, even anger. However, the empty space that follows heartfelt sharing drives a stake through the heart. Raising the odds against resolution. 

Surely, we can stick it out and find a way... But, those moments of quiet that involve no reflection are true vampirism. They suck the life out of exchanging communication and leave the pale intentions lifeless before us. 

We hope to find peace as we trust in the company of others. But, if there is a curse, it effects everyone. We must be internally and externally aware of its presence. Being knowledgeable about living with these possibilities can help us develop the mechanisms to endure the struggle. 

Sacrifices remain: time, energy, patience. The inevitable questions of when encounters become preventable. Additional layers of scrutiny that follow-up when retreading the same ground. 

Unexpected rivalries like this span across finance, affection, and beyond to disrupt optimism. Seeking the best outcome is less of a mechanism and slides to an attempt. Attainable success shifts to settling for a hopeful mindset. 

Aiming to win can mean never having the discussion of what happens if we fail. Yet, there's another perspective in the human lottery of forethought; pessimism. From the extreme of desperation where something simply must happen... to the suffocation where the oxygen of chances has run out.

The deflation of trying is often an endless quicksand. Finding one's way free requires critical thinking. The charlatan methods of finding failure in every direction shall overwhelm the best of folks. Depriving their ability to find the next step in a mindset of compromise with the obstacles around them. 

We must come to terms with our environment. The landscape includes progress no matter how well it may be hidden. Staking off the borders of the known minefields of tragedy's past. Steering clear of disaster for a sort of conversational salvation on the other side. 

Some of this is an analogy about a mythical evil. Yet, when looking at the options for resolving the issue: staking, bringing light to the battle, and holding the outstretched arm of unwavering faith... There are clear ties to defeating the supernatural. Perhaps the origin of these unholy images. 

Defeating the unseen, only imaginable pieces of our psyche require discipline. Coming together to speak up, talk back, and engage out loud. The darkness is a common landscape in our folklore of horror. A warning sign- to avoid getting lost in the quicksand of the abyss inside ourselves. 

Introductions, though small, have the everyday ability to slay the myth of a stranger. The power of our unions may carry on a lifetime. Parts of our world view free speech as a weapon... Thoughts that bring us together and inspire us to rise up.

It is said that our word is our bond. Then perhaps silence is our undoing. A speaker who offers themselves with faith, vulnerability, and honesty... steps onto the listener's dancefloor of darkness. Verbally entering the quicksand-like abyss of their partner. The giver is risking peace of mind, testing faith, and relying on another to keep the conversation moving. 

Talking back is more than courtesy. This heroic action deprives the wicked silence from a sacrifice. An effort of self-declaration pulling both from the undertow of decline and stepping back onto solid ground.

There is little room for choice. An act of silence is contagious. More than a cancer. Others are susceptible to the same fate. Solitary confinement that tumbles toward an ugly fate while swearing off all help from the outside. 

Silence is a sacrifice of more than one.

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