Origin of the Verb


The backstory here: During a discussion with someone, I was meeting an evasive set of vague answers that were designed to end the conversation without clarity.

My definition of the truth… is what you believe. This is also, being honest. Until such time that you have facts disputing what you believe. Then you no longer believe the truth. At this point, you are dishonest. I also define the act of honesty by the length of the answer in relation to a line. The shortest distance between two points is honest; anything longer is dishonest.


Ultimately, someone “said so,” etc. is not a reason. ‘Said’ is the verb, which is an act derived from the reason. I am looking for the origin of the verb.


Inquiry: Questions representing a cave system with a need to find daylight on the other side. Pick a tunnel and root it to the end, hoping for the way out. However, often we’re going to be doubling back and trying a different route. The truth is found through lithification. The geological act where molten magma is thrown into the open and slowly forms solid ground. Factual answers transform the unknown from inside our volcano into the honesty of solid rock.

Dishonesty is a quicksand. A sort of shapeshifting matrix of emptiness. This mental narcolepsy could be visualized as a necrosis of the soul. Eating away at the core, the proverbial and spiritual black hole that cannibalizes the mind from inside-out; ‘til nothing is left.

We find that certain people can be labeled as hazards. Nothing about them is stable for the sake of taking your dialogue on a stroll. Inevitably they booby-trap your conversational efforts. Which a person could attempt to work their way out of, or simply disengage.

Modern spells are cast in the direction of humans telling the truth. As a Scarlet Letter of intangible shame discredits the past and the future. Often unproven labels given to folks who are speaking with proof. The irony in this is almost a fairy tale. A vilification can be performed with labels of narcissism and manipulation. These chameleon words are then malleable for the accuser to describe all retorts. Guerrilla tactics of sliming a speaker to distract his message and tie their resources to cleaning up their image.

A reversal of ancient witch hunts. A truthful person is righteous and must be sacrificed like a wicker man. No explanation can erase the rust that never sleeps. Our new frontier where a life’s work or an abundance of information can be deflated with the slightest distraction. Failure to abide by the unstable social etiquette provides the opening needed to suffocate truth. Minimal missteps are the necessary opportunity for intellectual sloths to trip their counterparts. With everyone on their belly, the accused has a mighty struggle to sway opinions- which are not based in fact. Truth and fiction handicapped down on the same level if the lies are seen as credible.

Speakers are mocked during, and moreover, after because of the endless playback. Some disagreements will come from an alternate interpretation of the content. Other hecklers use vanity. From mannerisms to cosmetics and presentation criticism, which has no bearing on the truth. New mediums for spoofing an auditor create seemingly infinite filters to dissuade any listener getting the information indirectly from the source.

This is possible with a fresh century of opinion-based pseudo evidence. “I think therefore I am,” now includes any thought therefore it must be. As much as the scientist has a theory he performs research to prove or negate, the skeptic has ideas he’ll never overlap with objectivity. The way of separating what is hypothesized with what is open to criticism.

There is an infallible nature to the knowledge we have come to accept and base our world around. This makes up our social contracts through government and education, but many segments of our society neglect it somehow. Whether ‘twas ever accepted or learned is not clear.

Groups that are centered around work ethic and progress are not welcoming environments for complacency. These are structured, involve a system of accolade, and often require values to remain in good standing. Yet, the excluded still share a natural desire for companionship.

In opposition to working hard and attempting to maintain discipline, are the outlaws. All are equal and flaws are the dress code. Boisterous antics and flamboyant tactics help to balance power.

Thousands of years have shaped civilization toward the longest and most sustainable lifespan for our species. Yet, groups with various agendas have attempted to undermine science and truth, the key elements in the recipe for any society. Without them sustainability is gone.

For instance, two folks who unite because they don’t understand, but are on the same page. They are louder together and feel more validated in unison. Yet, their inept position conflicts with the truth. Which is often not welcome to be discussed. So, these clusters of society form tight bonds around urban myths. This stitches the squares of a quilt of lies. Which provides comfort and shelter in the group.

The flaw, regarding sustainability, is the lack of evolution. Fundamentals like truth, a value for knowledge, and maintaining the cultural significance of accomplishment are what secure the future. On a planet where consumption is driving changing climates, every projection must be adjusted.

The need for valid information is more important than ever. Yet, the record population is an opportunity for more anti-truth people than ever. Folks who will mock theories and predictions… As if someone is imperfect for their inability to accurately predict the future.

Who could have imagined such evil acts of persecution acceptable in a modern society. When you live without integrity, any question is grounds to abort an individual’s credibility. This simple, and attainable goal. will show that incomplete answers are the equivalent of willful ignorance. This is not true to those who hold truth sacred.

Though a stark contrast, those who are seeking answers still converse with the irrational. After all, these remain possibilities for further explanation. Meanwhile, those attempting to manufacture an earthquake beneath discussions based on facts are given an inherent advantage. The world, like seismic plates, is a constantly shifting landscape.

One-side has this thirst for the evolving knowledge. Where variables and further observation drive a motivation for greater understanding. The apathetic opposition sees any unknown as a crack; a fault. This represents the lack of solid ground and is viewed as an opportunity to engineer conversational disaster. The speaker is humble about what knowledge has need to be discovered or validated. While a jester does the hokey pokey with follow-up questions about admittedly unclear information to turn any argument around. What is not known is considered a flaw rather than opportunity.

Whether negligent to learn or embracing the lie there is a crucial interest in slowing down intelligence. This is mentally as crucial as the financial attempts by socialism to offset the balances of acquired wealth. Allowing any person or group to possess and control the truth provides a distinct advantage. What’s the best way to alleviate that advantage? To destroy the value of information.

For those who seek to live with an organization to our society, we attempt to understand and explain even the irrational. There is a humanity to including people. Even when the opposition dishonestly and provocatively displays an attitude of inclusion, while excommunicating others.

To the educated mind there is a clear instability. For others, the value of truth and accountability is not present. Hypocrisy doesn’t propagate any internal conflict. Because words are without absolute definition. Anything can then be described or justified with an immunity from literary prosecution.

Getting to the root of these issues has little interest for anti-truth and verbal anarchists. Their objective to destroy the resources of time and progress are seeded in the moment they are acknowledged. Engaging in the conversation already validates their agenda. Any attempt to understand opens a nebula of intellectual vampirism. Disingenuous intent colliding with truthful discussion represents the dog who bites his master.

This world, only possible through the benefits of research and innovation, is slowing down. Because the sedentary bystanders are unwilling to act with discipline and aspire to base life decisions around truth.

Instead, they choose feeling. The underlying cause of their social position is emotion. As if an intuition that a human body has cancer- is less reliable than testing for determination. However, medical studies show that these psychological conditions are an incubator for actual disaster.

Mental disintegration drives physical death. If someone asked, “how did he die?” They’re looking for the cause. Ignorance is what killed him. Someone who didn’t believe the truth. Others will fight to stay alive with dietary and physical changes based on the evidence presented to them.

These revelations of discovery help promise a brighter tomorrow. Acting upon the newest and best evidence. Finding the truth.

Modern warning signs can tell us of volcanic activity or which vehicles carry hazardous materials. Little can warn us about which people have toxic spirits. Their evil intentions can cause as much harm as the volcanic lava which will give us solid ground. The social termites will destroy us from within and condemn our home.

Our planet recycles elements and nature destroys everything on the way to new beginnings. With the right science we realize how to adapt and overcome. Always working to establish reliable choices and look out for our fellow man. To let him know is he has an infestation problem or the smoke is coming from the Earth’s core.

Dishonesty is harder to ascertain. Requiring unknown resources and jeopardizing our faith in the world around us. Conversational terrorists take away the safety of discussion and introduce fear to inquiring minds. They’re objective is for you settle for nothing and embrace emptiness. They’ve created a fictional fault line which consistently moves and hopes to wipe out every constructed idea. Like a child’s game where the floor is lava and truth must hop around to keep from being destroyed.

Make no mistake that forward-minded adventures exploring the intellectual frontier are immune to these efforts. Truth is the ultimate treasure map and facts provide an ever-increasing wealth of reference points. Though modern times are home of the most advanced deception,  lies have no solid ground.

Honesty is always looming. When it erupts the fantasy island that was propped up in the valley below, will be erased as truth flows in and evolution continues. Lies do not defy nature. Dishonesty seems to work for people who base their views on emotion. No matter how the human body perceives these lies, they’re intangible.

Bad information can have terminal consequences. A mind destroying the body from the inside out or purely ignorant choices that lead someone into fatal situations. Defying logic is quite unhealthy. Making decisions based on facts found is how our species survives. Only evidence is real…

One-side dishonestly believes fiction. Another relies on facts to tell truth. Reality distinguishes the origin of the verbs.  

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