

The man had gone through a half dozen phones because of her clumsiness. That was, until technology caught up with his heroism. Perhaps, somewhere else in the world they’ve always had waterproof phones. But each time he dove in the cost was a change of clothes and deductible on the mobile insurance.

While on vacation, California was simply too vast for them to visit all of their desired locations. There was still 36 hours until the flight home was supposed to board. But, changing the tickets, car, and booking a new hotel in Santa Monica was the best money he’d ever spent. The extra three days together on the West Coast did amazing things for their relationship.

Seated next to the wooden shelves with expensive wines, a server guided their culinary journey. As the restaurant thinned out, their entrees were nearly finished. The server moved the couple to a large table, so they could stretch out. Countless moments had been spent shopping for the perfect outfit. Despite the work and wisdom that went into the meal, no matter what it says above the door, the perfect recipe was always right in front of him.

Monitors showed the rapidly dropping heartbeat of their unborn. With no time for an epidural, she told them to put her to sleep, and save the child. As they rushed into an operating room, time began to pass. A nurse introduced the man to his son a few hours later… He took the baby to meet his family. Once everyone had gone, he retired to the room. A hero was waking from emergency surgery and everything’s going to be okay.

Indentions outside the dressing room were a testament to his patience. She’d tried on countless dresses. A perfect evening, until the disruption. He thought about that as he was being processed and released. He’d now paid triple for the dress, plus bail. But there’s no amount too high for her honor.

Harsh weather means they’ve not been outside for a week. Despite their isolation, he’s reliving glory days to bring Grandma back her treasure.
He’s marching back through the snow. Old bones aren’t cooperating with Mother Nature. Yet, today’s hero is adding marshmallows to the hot chocolate she’s serving. Listening to the Christmas letters read aloud he chuckles. She asks what’s so funny. He says, “victory.” She asks, “what did you win?” Closing his eyes, cupped hands deliver a mouthful of warmth. She’ll never know how many times he got back up trying to pry open that icy mailbox.  


Let There Be Love 

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