Second Best


by Michael L. Craver

When the fog is spotted and the speed remains.
Unknown danger without a change of pace.
Last second decisions will be made.

There’s a popular short-sighted philosophy. Devoid of sacrifice and delivering instantaneous gratification. This crest offsets the crashes that come from a lack of forecast. That’s the idea anyway…

It has been said that you go faster alone, but you go farther together. A compost heap of cliches about burning candles from both ends and the like. We know that applied tension has a thinning effect. Bringing vulnerability and greater risk.

Reducing stress with a deliberate pace brings balance. Rationally organized for a longer haul. Going through resources in a rapid manner means there is a need. Replenishing takes time. Stopping and rearranging off course possibly losing the way.

Someone could lose themselves traveling too fast. Ill-timed decisions happen when approaching obstacles. Hitting a tree while jogging has much different consequences than colliding while drag racing. Battle or War: Nature always wins.

Sometimes referred to as “living in excess.” Whether automated, chemically enhanced, or pressure from within, so many lives end prematurely. A term accurately applied because maturity is defined by decisions of longevity.

Looking ahead with optimism. Retaining and maintaining health and happiness. A longer existence because of lifestyle choices. Whether choosing the spouse with dedication and vibrant spirit or delayed gratification letting things run full cycle.

Too often partners are chosen from heartache and convenience. Rebound relationships which would’ve never been considered. Settling for less? Much like being burned in competition or on a purchase, folks “play it safe” next time.

As these shortcuts are taken, there is a mist. Without depth perception we are misguided. Deceived by our speed. Quickly choosing to re-route with a fresh hitchhiker riding shotgun. Racing into the haze, risking another accident.

Taking time, balance brings us perspective. Why barrel into the unknown and be just another addition to the pileup? Take the time to plot out your journey. Choose from what you feel and adjust the cruise control accordingly.

For we can have what our hearts desire with the right planning. Surveying the dangers and adjusting directions. Never settling for a lesser version of ourselves, nor of a partner. Destiny is navigated fourth dimensionally, passing second best.



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