Chill Out: A Tale of Trust

Sitting under a tree and catching some shade after a long run. I’d thrown down my backpack and was doing a little stretching when it fell out. Of course, whenever I run, he’s with my sack and always trying to peek out. There’s a lot of times where the zipper is not snug. Besides, that’s just a natural urge for him to want to frolic free in nature. Basking in the sun for all to see. Just the way it should be, no judgement. 

That’s when this woman in her tie-dye leggings ran towards me. Like a kaleidoscope in motion she was alert. She reached out quickly and wasn’t afraid to be hands-on in the moment of vulnerability. Snatching him firm. She looked shocked at the decision she’d made. However, that look of happiness in her eyes. She’d made an excellent subconscious decision!

To be honest, I was also pleased! She’s just met my little friend Ernie. Doesn’t have much hair on him, but he’s the life of the party. Size doesn’t really matter, does it? Well, it shouldn’t. Not if your feeling soft and cuddly and full of spunk. But, when he’s strutting proud, he’s feeling a little larger than life.

Alter egos are fun for all of us. Ernie hits his stride like a rite of passage to become Ernesto! A little more ego? Just a lot more jovial and friskier. He loves to be held and played with.

This is the part where I asked her name. After all, that’s my best friend in her hands right here in front of everyone. She had to gather her thoughts. I asked her again, and she was still gawking at my buddy, instead of looking me in the eye.

So, I reached down to her, sitting on her knees and touched her shoulder. She sighed. This was a nice moment for the two of us. Despite how compatible and spontaneous this all was, I needed the formality before it went any further. Looking down at her; looking up at me. I said, “excuse me?”

“Yes sir…,” she replied. She hadn’t stop stroking. His head was drawn to the side from the intense affection. So, I broke the moment. Leaving her empty handed I told her this was not the right way for this to happen.

I thanked her for rescuing him. Then said, “We have to do this right. Let’s do it the old-fashioned way.” I left Ernie cupped in both hands and presented him to her. “This is Ernie, well Ernesto. You’ve had him excited to come out and play. I bet in his wildest imagination he didn’t think you’d be so affectionate as soon as he broke that zipper and popped out.”

Looking back, it wasn’t as chivalrous to leave her resting on her knees. Dirtying those beautiful leggings wasn’t nice. But I was attempting to be a gentleman.

She said, “This has all been my pleasure. Now, you’re not going to take him away, again are you? I wasn’t done yet.” And that’s when I decided to be my wild-eyed self.

“Honey, I trust you… Can I see you tonight instead?” is all I could muster. I think it was a good start, because she paused with a grin.

“I would love that, but, what about your friend Ernesto…,” she said as she sparkled eyes staring at him face to face.

“You want to see him later on tonight and finish your play date?” I asked.

“Absolutely. He’s full of potential!” was the last thing she said…

I said, “Well, my name is Michael L. Craver. My number is on my social media… touch base with me. We’ll make plans. Don’t say another word, I am gonna go finish my run and this will be something fresh for the both of us.”

There was a beautiful glare coming from her as I zipped everything back up and began to walk away. What a beautiful moment in time. Two people and so random. Innocent and who knew if anyone saw us.

But I asked for her hand and helped her to her feet. Not letting go of her hand I pulled her in close for a hug and whispered, “Thank you!” then I told her… “I am trusting you. I rarely take chances anymore… I have a feeling…”

That’s when I released her from the hug and gently took a palm to the side of her face. She nestled my hand between her cheek and shoulder and smiled with such gleam. I hated to go, but I have discipline to keep.

“One more thing…,” I said. “Take good care of him and I will see you soon. Both of you.” Then I handed her the backpack. My roommate and dancing partner to the loud rock n’ roll late at night was in her hands. Somehow, I knew she’d take good care of my chinchilla. As I would take excellent care of her.

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