
        Speeding by her street to stretch the trip another three miles. He’s using the screenshots from their online order to surprise her. Yes, he is much later than the time he promised to be there. No, he won’t hear the end of it. Luckily, he’s got his priorities in order. 
        She loves to add the potatoes to her Taco Bell delicacies. Each item costs a little more. Also, he doesn’t even like their drink choices. Even so, he’s ordering a Crunch Wrap Supreme combination. They give you a taco and a drink. He’s not going to have a single drop. She is.
        You see Mountain Dew is like the chaser behind her favorite midnight snacks. They’re like the alcohol she never knew. Forget Fireball and fancy named mixed drinks. The drive-thru is the place to get your fix. This time he’s doing it unannounced.
        Sure, he will get a phone call asking where he is. Because she expects him to be punctual. However, he’s going to deliver a white lie to her sweet ears and then a powerful punch to her taste-buds. She won’t even know what hit her.
        There’s a few catches to this fiasco. For instance, she might lose her cool if he cannot stick to his timeframe. He’s totally in the dark about her calorie count for the day. Beyond that, the explosion of flavors and the kick of the Mountain Dew mean it will be harder to get to sleep.
        Folks might accuse him of trying to make his way into her pants, through her mouth. Little do people know how a satisfied stomach and a warm show send people into a cozy coma. The drive-thru delights are helping her remember how he knows all her cravings.
        The sound of wrappers crumpling one by one and tossed back into the bag. Conquering the treats one batch of flavors at a time. Crumbs will fall around them as they laugh at the sitcoms. A few close calls with choking as the laughs overlap the bite pattern. She’s worth every cent.
        The midnight visit was about holding someone close. Falling asleep in a pile like a litter of puppies. The type of comfortable daydreaming where you pre-sleep on the sofa and wake back up to drag one another to bed. Evenings that carry a couple throughout their lives. Far beyond the mischief of fooling around. Quality time is purity. Not the D, she needs the DT.
        A great appreciation develops over the course of their relationship. All the little tips and tricks he’s picked up. Spoiling her and hitting the empty hunger she wasn’t even aware that she had. These are the discoveries other people make for us.
        Sometimes we're motivated to chase down our dreams. Perhaps, struggle through a daily grind to squeak out our goals. Other times, like those midnight crumbs, the fortunes of flavor fall in our laps. They remind us, we're not alone.
        Always show the love and appreciation for their thoughtful deeds. After all, they were simply trying to deliver a message, that makes you literally warm inside. This is their way to show how much they appreciate you.

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