Nature's Trust Fall

Like a possum crossing in the dead of night
Birds building nests in our shrubbery
Hummingbirds unable to resist our feeders

When a man uses a wooden duck call
Deer enjoying corn laid in a clearing
A grizzly roaming toward a heavy metal trap

Sometimes we use nature against itself...
A worm reeled on a hook to catch a fish
Sharks chasing a bloody mix of carved bait

Bonsai trees growing and clinging to cliffs
Weeds pushing up through man-made sidewalks
Our vegetation caste system tells us what to keep

Deep in the ocean with breath in a tank
Deprived of oxygen dropping from the sky
Rich in fuel walking our native lands...


The same forces of nature that bring our blizzards bring the rain. Snows that keep us immobile in a different state from the rain, watering the forestation. Do the trees know that Mother Nature also brings the wind that uproot them? Wildflowers rising up from soil that may one day become dry. Powered by sunshine that may be detrimental without the watery counterpart. However, the people we know better.

Are there other species whom use the remains of one kind to bait another? Ways to feed ourselves and hunt with inter-special methods. Superior tactics and weapons to conquer even the largest of nature's creatures. Some are for trophies, which is unique to our species. There are many arguments about responsibility in these matters.

Through creation or evolution we have every means to control the species of the planet. From sanctuaries to extinction. Mankind has the potential for ecological supremacy. However, like those variances which make the plants wither, people run out of resources. Humans can relocate almost anywhere to live on. Until we battle a different animal.

Territorial games play out much faster than the evolution of defense. Camouflage and quirky self preservation to equal the odds against the predators. Perhaps the inflation of a blow fish, or the rabid fluids running through a bat. What might happen if these circumstances were discovered? Even with refined methods to research things we come across... How would we find out real consequences?

Like the Bonsai trees which grow out of cliffs and the weeds coming up through a sidewalk, they are in treacherous territory. We do this with our homes as well. Yet, with people this is not a random occurrence. Choosing to build homes in places with higher insurance. These prices comes from our documented history of fire, flood, and natural disaster. At what point does disaster go away because we knew better ahead of time?

Perhaps a time comes that these dangerous invasions across nature's invisible boundaries render balance. Not just a retreat to familiar territory, but a scarlet letter. One with potency. Like a poisoned ant returning to the colony. Something biologically unfamiliar and lethal to neighbors. We've done the same. Bringing back plague and sickness. When the numbers are high enough we have discussions. A simple man killed by a steer is an accident. A community sick from tainted meat is not?

We've unlocked combinations of elements and manufactured them in efforts to control other human beings. Conjuring up the wicked and deadly reactions nature scattered like puzzle pieces. Using these simple "tools" to stop riots and bring tears. Placing them behind judicial review to bring justice as we carry out sentencing. When folks carry out other agendas with the same methods, they are deemed criminals?

Developing medical advances helps to curve the collateral damage of expanding our domain. Technology can help us dive deeper into the ocean. Yet, resurfacing too fast renders fatal and irreversible consequences. Many facets of the world have no evacuation plan. Getting into uncharted and unnatural places risking mortality. Sometimes a loner's chance will unravel the fabric of humanity. Abstract ideas like currency and systems fall apart without the mass hypnosis to keep the wheels turning.

Nature doesn't have these bartering systems. Lions devour their prey and move on. Fortifying ourselves we have other species in house only as condemned pets. Everything else is unwanted, sprayed for, and wiped out to ensure a creature comfort. Not as the ecological system intended. The means it takes to make these boxes happen destroy the natural infrastructure that keeps life's cycle healthy.

Ultimately it is our responsibility put that mammal brain to work. Finding a balance of these reckless prospects. Finding fool's gold in adventures that seem eccentric. What they're really doing is bringing the human way of life toward a metaphorical waterfall. As if we survived every bend in the river. We've gotten back in the raft and up until now it's been scary, but fun. The gravity of these decisions has all sorts of possibilities.

Rarely do we hear these voices of those who know when it's too late. Echoing down the natural cycle unlocked by their journey. They were always paddling to the same destination. Sometimes things are rocky and rough, making it impossible to get to shore. When should we? Often.

Manufacturing may let us live like outlaws. Let us jump from the airplanes and risk the chute not opening. As we fall the forces at play are out of our hands. No matter how we may bend them. No matter how big the crowd is... some heights are too great for a trust-fall.

We revert back to shelter fearing the spread of invisible germs inside our visual masturbation. Hiding from the natural world that always had the upper hand. The master of disguise playing his trump card over the master of his domain. How many chances does it take to win? The same as it takes to lose. An equal number for a successful trip over Niagara Falls or the weightlessness one desire's at nature's end... One chance too many.

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