The Repercussion of Sound

There's so many variables. Many ways things gain momentum. Though we may redirect then with racket. A double pun about the noise of verbal judo versus the metaphorical tennis of debate.

She says, "That's not how you insult people. You're confused." Little did she know she was contributing to this article. There will be no royalty or credit. My way of neutralizing the situation. Taking the steam out of it. Just like she did. 

The measure here is on emphasis and impact. Whether you give credence to the actions of others. As a wonderful kid once wrote, "The first step in any process is to give a fuck." That was me, almost five years ago.

Folks giving orders, bullying, and other such undesirable verbiage. Some is part of delegation. While much is part of empowerment. Words which only the audience can validate. 

The energy comes from the reaction. Like with any charlatan, the exercise is a con. Will you follow the wolf? For without your angst, the gravity of the situation falls away.

Speakers left forceful without petrification. I believe my description was... fluff... A man's words having the collateral damage of a marshmallow asteroid. 

He's lobbing junk at you... Take that junk food and roast it. Enjoy the experience of a softball. As the audience you have the control. The crowd has the power, not the speaker. Strength lies within, in numbers.

Folks can refuse the tradition of garbage in and garbage out. Opting for compost to fertilize healthy ambitions. Natural alternatives to bullshit. 

Yes. I realize this is full of entendres and puns. That's the point. The duality of man. The complex interpretation of any given listener. An author's voice is the reader's narration. 

The vanity of communication requires it. Giving recognition at a personal exchange rate. Gambling stress unclear of charge. We cannot know the positive versus negative effects until the passage of time.

In real time we must determine the breadth of dialogue. Shall we inherit the value of another's words. Without your approval they are meaningless. An inconsiderate barrier everyone is capable of.

Logic is an abstract idea. There are rational means to tune folks out. Containing, even prevention of, any and all damage. Like a firewatcher with great peripherals. 

A mind reporting smoke, and the inevitable flames. Turning expendable disaster in our favor. No need for provocation, simply quartering off any harm. Taking the heat of nature's passions to warm our boredom. 

Intense words come our way. They're the wildfire. Each one of us has the ability to turn ugly sentiments around. A chance to roast opposition over their own coals. Written or vocal is irrelevant. 

These actions reduce heartbreak. Settling issues with defensive maneuvers. Knowing what to look for. Stopping vanity and escaping the gravity of decisions.

Turning the tides as our moon would. A shift of the pull. Though I'm painting mental landscapes with examples of fire and water, every one of these is a simple idea.

Whether to give recognition, what value to place upon it, and your reaction tempered with grace. Are we giving adversaries satisfaction? Is it necessary to pay attention?

Colored cheeks of heated words or the flushed face of disappointment. Etiquette and courtesy demand acknowledgement. Earshot means the ability to step in. However, there's a hidden ability. 

Portraying the compassion or anguish the speaker is going for. A game of chess to minimize tension. Perhaps to fuel a fighting spirit. Raising values in those who need it. 

Something they needed another to hear. Things otherwise meaningless, but having an audience alleviated a great burden. We all possess these capabilities. 

The expression, lending an ear, describes a listener's unique assessment of every word. Appraising the message before we decide what it's worth. Maybe an even greater responsibility than anything said. 

Audible opportunities are like the metamorphosis of an inbound change. Fallout can happen from words. A once in a lifetime blow that blankets a person's psyche with depression. Like the clouds of a cosmic event. Things that crush our hearts. Ruin our skies.

Having our radar keen prevents these nuclear skies that block out our sunshine. Keeping the coast clear and hope alive. Deterring ugliness. Knowing when to panic. Particularly, when to fight. Harnessing another's heat for personal solar energy.

Be inspired by their time. Invincible in their wake. Step out of the path. Observe that fluff falling from grace. Their own ill-tempered actions incinerated. Bad intentions dying of natural causes. Those who see the signs speak at the wake. The rest dawn a garnish of top soil.



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