The Many Faces of Consideration

Requiring compassion, an open-minded flexibility.
Would you Consider it? Are you set in your ways?
So, you hear them out to be considerate?
Folks make up their minds. Often after listening.
But sometimes after hearing only themselves.  

Before the rest of the interaction is ever shared. They call it an absentee ballot when you mail your votes in ahead of time. I call it absent-minded when you pre-decide. Sure, you can act classy and even showcase some dignity to listen after having decided. 

Isn’t that disingenuous? A waste of another’s time?

These remarkable ideas of democracy and freedom of speech. People offering solutions from their perspectives. Making strides to protect their freedoms is beyond considerate. But, do these sacrifices mean anything if we never consider it? Perhaps the ultimate mockery and ingratitude. Treating those great principles as meaningless vanity. Folks who value double thick Charmin more than the paper great ideas are written upon.

The alternative scenario for our terms sees a free-thinker valuing idea over people. The ability to listen to a point being made; a resolution being formulated. One with no regard for how it affects people.

No consideration; Inconsiderate.
The adversity of debating open-minded thought. Something which can carry the compassion of how others are going to feel. An example of the affection of being considerate with the to be determined of ideas; considering it.

Old dogs; new tricks.
Matches lit; burning ticks.
Pregnancy; tough times.
Planned Parenthood; never mind.
I voted; Your move.
Deaf ears; Majority rules.
Blue Wall; Code of Silence.
Righteous actions; Inciting violence.
Dignity; Wisdom; Patience; Silence.

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