Tipping the Scales

Sometimes for safety and well-being. We do it to protect a loved one. To admonish and return a practice in kind. Somewhat a retaliation tactic for the things we proactive. Isn't intention an important factor. Knowing if things are done to ensure our view of the world, to shelter us from the misconceptions... white lies.

We soon scorn the thought of being deceived, but in jest. We've got ways to manipulate statistics and shape logarithms. Various ways to lie with numbers. Disobeying traffic laws and having their freedom compromised. Including free speech with our ability to tell the truth, and the anti-truth.

Truth doesn't make the world an easier place. When there are absolute values, we may hold people accountable. Something we may not want to do to our loved ones, or any of our fellow man. There are people in our lives we love more than the truth. Values are individualistic. Do you have higher regard for truth - or for love? A hopeless romantic can't survive on a diet of truth.

This becomes a struggle for acceptance. Can we find a course to navigate ourselves to a common destination? Forgiving one's principles in their abstract state to live the physical person. Situations where we out maneuver ourselves to visualize beyond kinship to the mental paradise we cannot engineer before us. Are you willing to mend with limitations or is the dream going to drive away our humanistic flaws? Glancing, skimming, categorically breaking down; statistics or malicious manipulation > life happens. What is your level of accountability or acceptance? The truth is a compromise of factors. Each piece begs the value of compassion and honesty. What do you believe most: love, intention, protection, humility ~ always new chances.

I accept you as you are. People are not facts. Separate them and treat them with faith. 

Written:  18/05/02


St. Michael and the Dragon Archangel

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