Red Rover; Red Roper

I don't know what it's like to be in your shoes. I know they're smaller than mine, but it seems like it's more to feel. There is a place where my feelings are extremely blessed. However, folks dedicate so much of themselves to being a hard worker that you have angst for it to pay off. Knowing you're better off than others. Perhaps the feeling that diligence owes you something even more.

There are folks who have been through a lot of struggles and believe they've learned from them. I don't envy any of their struggles big or small. My supposition, because I'm a competitive person, is looking at the quote about all being 'fair in Love and War.'

But if you love your enemy then perhaps it becomes a complexity to know if the enemy of your enemy is your enemy. Is anyone? I think the older we all get, we're all looking around. Can we recognize the battle in another's eyes? Perhaps we want to find a place where we can relate and yet, give a helping hand. No one is seeking to upend their spirit by finding faults.

A quote by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow comes to mind, “If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility.”

Fighting and struggling. Often from opposites sides. Time can exhaust us. Coming to the end of our resources. Out of energy. Searching for something deeper to drive us. In those moments our two sides lean. We press into one another as fighters holding one another up. Doing so by simply falling into one another. Not letting the other side collapse.

A day will come where we fall. Until then, every moment, showcase the human spirit. In time we will all be relatives. Our win-loss records will vary. Yet, common struggles. Knowing common paths in foreign places. Blessings that give some the strength to work hard, for longer, being more successful. Still the common man will root for that underdog. Scrapping against odds in an uneven world.

Do you respect the man with penny loafers? Wingtips? The one with bare feet on a beaten path?



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