Nitty-Gritty Nails

Boots no longer, toes in endless rows of red clay. He walks the Summer.
Sand still gritty from the coast, a week ago; eyes close, waves return.

Swift kicks and sharp cuts through the front yard; a World Cup fantasy.
A wash of muddy chalk; diving in the rain and stretching for home.

Soil from a fresh flower bed; awaiting breeze, ice cold tea in hand.
Cheesy wax matches the bowl; eating without utensils, nor a care.

Dried conditioner packed by setting spray; candlelit and cuddled.
Peeled skin matching streaks; tracks down the shoulder blades of a fresh bride.

Shreds of peeling; stacked for freshness. Awaiting culinary dreamscapes.
Gritty seasoning with the tongs in hand; smoke rises, rolling on the wind.

Sticky residue under a thumb; packaging loses the war. Smiles prevail.
Powdered; swaying on the way to sink; delicious smells plated beautifully.

Toxic oil; an isolated platform over salty horizons. A worrisome family…
Rough Styrofoam; rugged palms. Stuffed furniture. Dodging pink slips.

Agony; Chutes of bamboo force a young warrior into unknown octaves.
Scratching wooden floors, dragged by her feet; somewhere devastating.

Blood, dirt, wood; A young man in his early 30’s, lifted by the Legion.
Scrubbed clean; a successful operation. Lives changed. Danger averted.



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