The Lover's Alamanac

When is your Spring? Folks in the world cycle crops to their individual climate. Waiting for the ground to thaw. Waiting for enough sunshine.

Our relationship season. We wait for our hearts to shake off the ice. Searching the skies for the right forecast. Making sure that the ground won’t freeze too soon again. Making sure when we give things a chance that Mother Nature won’t sever our efforts.

Warmth is imperative. The spirit of things being planted must be complimented with irrigation and care. Without these things the ground is unusable. The ability to harvest and share with others is obsolete.

For what we seek is more than a project. A beautiful garden, perhaps a collage of projects in a flower bed. But, like relationships, they require space and attention. Elements to help them succeed. Perhaps a prize-winning love affair. Blue ribbons for size and acumen. These are the connections we aspire to have.

Efforts to survive. Where would our lives be without chances and love? Our emotional diet of healthy stress. Dry ground yields no crops. Without love to share we are strangers. Infighting for low quality, if any, contact with another. Knowing the seasons helps us to develop our methods.

We till the ground when the time is right. Plant hopes and dreams. Then we weather through the ecosystem in search of a plentiful bounty. Enough to get us through the winter. Like the assessment of love being better known and lost- than to never have experienced.

We consider it a crime to force fornication. We can’t manufacture love. There’s no alternative science for the spirit. Purity. The true organic is what we can cultivate in our own gardens. A community effort. The affection and acknowledgement from others. The journey toward sacred vows.

Paying someone else for their love and time needs no sunshine. The ladies of the night. Impure and misled astray. Nothing can be exchanged to supplement your own horticulture. Having roots. Working through the struggles.

Taking on the task of trimming back as needed. Pruning and propping things up as they expand and carry more weight. A lifelong love affair. Making sure to water your own when the world doesn’t give quite enough precipitation. Through the winter. In a greenhouse. Embracing pesticides. Sometimes quality is sacrificed just to make harvest. Others have embraced a lifetime of natural science. Perfecting their love for all seasons. 

Soundtrack... And one of my favorite songs:

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