Soggy Bottom Boys

In reference to anything Vegan... My understanding is that it means the consumption of anything that is the result of inclusive of animal by-products. Impossible... Why? Well, you may not consume them. But, being able to bring these items to market requires other species. They won't allow P3 water bottles any longer... Because packaging is bound to what we consume. Cancer causing agents in the things surrounding what will enter your body. Eating your pseudo-meat with petroleum based wrappers a.k.a. animal by-products would negate any 'vegan' nonsense you're trying to perpetrate. Doesn't exist. The minutia special class who pretends to have some affluent food source devoid of all other special ingredients are... As the band Styx would say (and I love these folks let me listen to the music of my childhood and write),
"You're fooling yourself if you don't believe it You're kidding yourself if you don't believe it Why must you be such an angry young man When your future looks quite bright to me How can there be such a sinister plan That could hide such a lamb, such a caring young man"
One lingo for bad guys is 'perps.' As in perpetrators… The kind of folks who would narrow things, in a narrow-minded sort of way, to permeate ideas that could mentally sour processes. Like evolution. Let's not facts get in the way of a good story.
Spreading nonsense, like simply failing to consume animal by-products somehow negates the process to bring such food to the table a hell of a double standard. After all where does all this packaging, transportation, and otherwise originate? With animals. Fossil fuels or slaughtered. The products of deceased animals. Does it count against your veganism if you're hippo-critical?


Here's the song...

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