Island Life

Two best friends don't tell each other secrets. 
They don't know that though.

Individually they're trusting in a wayfaring stranger. One romantically. The supporting friend is talking to do some investigating and be vigilant. 

During their opposing third-party conversations secrets appear that they've held from each other. They trust in the traveler... As good folks should. But, these sprinkles of innocence have burnt. They've shared beyond with him. More than with one another.

They do not trust easily. Sharing their separate talks back to one another like a war room. However, it's become clear they have deceived one another. There must be action. Cut away this new chapter. Back to the rough draft. Unkempt friendship. 

Actions of ingratitude for this new revelation. Sharing only possible by way of new trust with an outsider. Yet, unclean. Baring a different scroll from the catacombs of their soul. Fresh ground never meant for the old confidant.

Best of friends divided by truth. Causation to bar the door for the wandering stranger. A new dimension to their everlasting relationship. Filtered by shame and cauterized by ugly deeds. Collective ingratitude. Tithing no one shall ever count. 


A song I heard in Pier 1 Imports while contemplating this article...

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