Good to the Last Shard

She’s unlocking the door. That wine bottle is calling her name. Its been a long day at the office. Hassles, one after another, leading her towards that kitchen counter. She takes off those earrings and kicks the heels toward the rack. Quick pace. The candle like a lighthouse beaconing her closer.

Bottle in hand she’s already got a smile. No need for a glass. She gets the cork out effortlessly. Confusion sets in. She tips, turns, shakes the bottle upside down. Those hassles from work are as extra motivation. Nothing is coming out. In anger she grabs it by the neck.

She swings the wine bottle down on the corner of the counter. Glass shatters. Everything falls to the floor. He runs in.

Tennis shoes crunch the glass shards as he leans down grab the letter and puts a shoulder into her waist. She drapes over his back and he lifts her. Easily carrying her to the couch. Tossing her on the sofa and laying the letter on her chest. She swipes the hair from her face to say, “Thank you!”

He heads back to grab the broom. Sweeping up the glass and apologizing, “I should have taped the letter to keep it rolled up. Guess the last message in that bottle. Want me to bring you a glass of wine while you read?”

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