Confectionary Reconnaissance

Told him that she wanted to go hiking. Grabbed their walking sticks and proceeded without caution. Never explored this route before. Without a map they march together. They walk and talk, often rubbing shoulders. Now and again locking fingers. Arms sway and sweaty palms move through distance and time. 

Every now and then the couple takes a rest. They need a break. He rests next to her. Gently caressing the sore knees and waiting for her signal to continue. Ladies first.

Watching each step with caution. Pitfalls to the left or right. Dangerous terrain inhabited by wild creatures. As if they were tourists in a dark alley. He is her vigilance. They dialogue over the scenic struggle. He tells her of simple pleasures like his favorite candy bar. Finally, they reach the cliffside destination. Looking down on a beautiful cityscape.

Clouds over the structures. There’s so much city in sight; without a sound. Just as they head back she turns twisting her ankle. Never quite falling to the ground. He’s got her by the hand. Pulls her arm around his shoulder and leans forward. So easily she’s straddling his back. Holding his neck tight with one arm, walking stick in the other.

Fueled by a passion he struggles down the mountain… Legs burning and exhausted they reach the car. Carefully loading her through the backseat so she may rest. Navigating her to aid they travel swiftly. Avoiding any bumps, he cautiously keeps her comfortable.

They check in and receive a triage room. She rests in the bed. He passes out in the chair. Carrying the couple’s weight forces his body to recharge… He awakens to her sleeping.

A note written on hospital stationery and candy bar beside his chair? She’d hobbled beyond his slumber, through the pain, to reward her hero. He signs her cast with chocolate fingers. Enjoying his KitKat… his search for love has been looking for a break like this.  

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