The Record Collection.

How many chances are you willing to give?
What number do you count from for patience?
How many days since a workplace accident?
How many more miles to go? 

      What are the odds? The laws of average. Perhaps your existence is validated by statistics. Vitals recorded by digits. Complex equations giving you chances of survival. Is this how you’ll be remembered in discussions? Maybe in the many lines of code. The ones that record you digitally. Independent of your humanity are records. Numeric categories taking many forms. There are other questions… of sexual history. Brothers in arms who hold sacred counts measuring their service. Unofficial records dear to our faith.

Identification assigned so that you can be counted. 
Birthdays. Anniversaries. Milestones.
How far back does the family history go?

Rating surveys by number. 
Children’s scholastics we take great pride in.
So many ways to give praise.
Lower ones communicating the advert of change.

On the flip side are inmate identification. 
Deeds defining the others around us. 
Numbers we own, yet we take no pride in.

       Some will shrug numbers away, like age. Other records will change with time. Many will never be updated in our memory. For the humanity of a person, the spirit, is timeless. Though surpassed by new numbers, some have been retired, never to be forgotten.

Goals and shame. 
Weights and calories. 
Recommendations and vanity. 
Studies and advice. 
Health versus mortality. 
Numbers to live by.

The individual freedom of interpretation. 
Assigned, yet will they be validated or deconstructed?
Acceptance is not a digit.
Priceless like an heirloom…
A sense of self. 
Probability. Chance. A guess. 
Numbers often forecast change. They warn us.
Perhaps measuring our defiance against the coming storm
There is no digit for integrity.
No value to scale humility.

I will often call myself, a numbers guy. Analytical. Considering everything written here… that seems objectively worthless. What I consider the best qualities have no gauge. So, who am I?


The music for this writing...

This is a mix of my two favorite films. Sting's Shape of My Heart from Leon: The Professional.
The video is set to my other love: Dracula Untold.

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