The Register of Deeds

   Taking the time to do for others will surround you with the human spirit. Both from the crowd and metaphysically. I’ve referred to it as photosynthesis for the soul. Be that exterior recognition or self-awareness, the spirit charges up.
        Taking on burden. Carrying the cross of another. Sacrificing for the greater cause. However, this works several ways. Moments in time which are spiritually guided toward the downfall of others. Actions which will be interpreted many ways, no matter how popular any one side may be.
        Staying up into the late hours having moments you love is rewarding. But, can only keep one going for so long. Like wearing down the auxiliary battery, sleep is inevitable. That’s where the body finds a turbo charge. Do you stay up and enjoy those fleeting chances to make memories?
        Some may say, “I’ll sleep when I am dead.” Fact is no one lives forever. Those good deeds performed; these precious memories being made are as if using your resources to jumpstart the energy of another. Exchanges like this will form the imprint of how you’re remembered. There’s a campfire scene from Point Break where Bodhi says, “Show them that the Human Spirit is still alive!” The opposite is also real. Taking another’s last breath.
        Great food conversation, adventures are all better with another. Some choose to spend their moments with pets. Others will seclude themselves into nature. Make no mistake that each of these circumstances will prolong and enhance your life. Many will choose a cause, give to a fund, or journey afar to help strangers. Like a game of Monopoly, we possess our deeds.
        These moments cost us fortune, time, and potentially our lives. The same is true when they are malicious... Destructive efforts to the soul in part or whole. Labels like karma exist to explain this weather. Different cultures will value, file, and register these events in their own ways. Perceptions may change over time. Though it cannot take away the spirit of what happened.

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