The Possibility of Disaster

          Does it hurt to ask? With the wrong elements come the wrong reaction. Check your chemistry. Atmosphere is of importance. How much? That amount is for you to decide. We have a periodic table, but then we’ve got umbrellas. How much do you let the atmosphere and elements affect you? The importance, the limit each of these things play into your decisions differs with every individual. The expectation or credit assigned to ever aspect. 
          There are certainly penalties if you bask. The term glory hounds; aren’t these finders and seekers. However, the extended victory celebration comes with the possibility of penalty. There is an expectation of sportsmanship. I remember my father being riled up when any other ACC football team would face Miami (Florida). The showboat style was part of their flare. However, the reward of stopping them or raining out any potential parade? Individual values.
          The inherit risks of free speech include being offensive and the right to assemble. Now, sure that’s ironic and heartily laughable material to say that a successful offense can lead to penalty. Why? Because its too offensive? Or as they say, “excessive celebration.” I suppose we penalize fans for the property damage and injury which is occurred in celebrations. Things which are independently criminal either way. Shouldn’t lawful celebrations should be limitless?
          Employment evaluations vary in structure. Yet often have assigned values for the outcome. A set percentage of increase for instance. These measures help to contain the standard deviation of payroll year over year. However, this glass ceiling can suffocate the outstanding performances folks have in their physiological youth. Wouldn’t continued employment annually include a living share, just because. Call it a loyalty stipend.
           Maybe capping pay can almost prevent the use of colorful metaphors and unprofessional language. Since there’s limits on trying to go above and beyond. Well, there isn’t a beyond with scaled pay. Just the general grind and forecastable knowledge that you best conserve extraneous efforts. Mind your tongue from foul language. A cumbersome and predictable employment… As a side effect, you probably wouldn’t even ask a lot of questions?
          Curbing the behavior of how you are able to earn a living is controlling atmospheric pressure. The real blend is when you’re pay determines how you’re given credit. That all important history, the credit score. Remember though, a lot of advertising specifically educates you to the proposition to buy with bad or no credit. This isn’t just a theory.
          Paying through installments is a line of credit… Turns out these shysters can avert other means and help you determine who you’ll take credit from. Meaning your personal negotiation to whom business is done. These are personal inflections, possibly for necessity. Pawns hold just as much weight as any card with a magnetic strip.
          Other inquisitions can lead to danger. Asking the wrong questions can cripple belief. This can be dangerous to a system. Also, to the individual seeking an answer. People still disappear for seeking put the truth. These skeptical debates are open in Western philosophy. Such things as whether to give credence or credit toward divinity.
          Traditions become difficult to navigate when you’re asking why. These are crucial areas where credit plays an important role of acceptance mixed with inquisition. Exploring who you are and what will be. Rearing children and rendering them to each facet of where you’ve come from. A story of birth, growth, and often debts. These factors influence every generation which follows. Government calls this a debt ceiling. Sacrifice can lead to balance. But, when?
          Folks born into a world of fire, though more populated than ever, their world is transitioning to uninhabitable. Though many questions have been asked to turn such things around, behaviors show that little credit given to the situation at hand. Ultimately these are the elements of existence. A fundamental scale of if, when, and to what extent life matters. Change against habitual traditions which are elevating temperature toward repercussions of mortality.
          An internal conflict between identity and comfort. Making a choice of comfort or extending resources. So, in terms of fitness, there is a fatal limit the human will reach pitting exercise and supplements against the human heart. The same is true on a planetary scale. Our species is not only aware of disastrous history, we’re also functionally driving towards our limit.
          Another chapter of the internal struggle is the search for disappointment. The manifestation of thoughts which lead to the inevitable outcomes. Asking questions navigated toward the need to be right. Yet, reaching beyond to prove what you believe is wrong. The combination of optimism and doom like kamikaze research.
          A complex equation can be conjured up to formulate what changes will happen. Changes which will make the world less or perhaps even totally unlivable. The research into these sort of events plays into a world of different languages and values. Some aren’t asking any questions and others have a life devoted to credential sustainability. Does this make anyone’s behavior reckless or just perhaps they’re just excessively celebrating life?

          So that I may add a personal touch to this article. In the family are a few chairholders. My word for supervision and decision-making roles. I’ve had the privilege to spend time with each level of the family tree. Point being that my elders, a level up, are all still upright. My paternal life expectancy is around 80, higher on my maternal side. 
          I am not a fan of being retired. The pattern of longer life and general lack of cancer or any other issues, leaves me feeling at peace to have a different routine. I work less hours without all the benefits and perks. However, the math makes sense of it all. Working any job with vacation, not exceeding 16 weeks of vacation, would be the same. Let’s not forget the stress of early mornings from traffic to jumpstarting the body. 
          For example, I’ve worked in the food industry for two decades. There’s less discipline when it comes to etiquette. Those freedoms help shape individuals and drive the spirit of why daily grinders become diners. Office and professional folks that would enjoy alcohol, where they could not while working in their world. This is part of training for restaurants. Paid to consume. 
          Each of these areas would be prioritized differently. A flat schedule or set wages are security by the hour. A far easier mental compromise than gambling for gratuities. However, general rules of office settings prevent the upward recommendations of staff that managers take flight while fornicating. What’s it worth to you? Did you ever ask [yourself]?
The soundtrack for this:
I Hope, I Think, I Know

Where Did It All Go Wrong (Acoustic)

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