Project 252: The Beginning

Thursday and Friday were spent traveling. Some of the photographs are below. I packed my "writing" bag with a few things, charged my camera up, then took off for Reeds. Perhaps when I feel satisfied with putting together the continental family history I will aspire to extend my hobby to Europe.

Michael Craver, the original settler in America
As a coincidence I was carrying a book I purchased for my father. I took to the asphalt and headed back towards Northern Davidson. TO my surprise I could not sneak in and simply leave the book. Dad was by the end of, his rather long, driveway. So, I parked with the car running and got out to help him work. We were maintaining the foliage and shrubbery on both sides of the road.

How could I turn down a home cooked dinner. I didn't snap any photos of the corn, but it was delicious just the same. Country style steak and we had a great time talking. Then we went back out to work some more. Watering other bushes. Remember these cover five acres.

The above photo was the beautiful sunlight hitting his grapevines. We refilled the hummingbird feeders and watched them awhile. Of course, the bird bath was filled. The water hose needed a lot of extensions to trek to the tomato plants, blueberries, and general flowers. I can tell why he does this. The word or feeling of work or obligation was never present.

Oh, and when we returned to the house he showed me his new friends. Max and Charlie are his new cats. After 20 years the roster changed. But, he gave me a beautiful present before telling me goodnight. After we discussed my expedition to gather dates from gravestones, he gave me the registry. I didn't know there was one, and expected to have to do a lot of legwork. My people's put this together 25 years ago. The binding and paper were fragile. 'Tis in good hands today.


This is the song I played while writing this blog:

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