
Showing posts from August, 2019

The Register of Deeds

   Taking the time to do for others will surround you with the human spirit. Both from the crowd and metaphysically. I’ve referred to it as photosynthesis for the soul. Be that exterior recognition or self-awareness, the spirit charges up.         Taking on burden. Carrying the cross of another. Sacrificing for the greater cause. However, this works several ways. Moments in time which are spiritually guided toward the downfall of others. Actions which will be interpreted many ways, no matter how popular any one side may be.         Staying up into the late hours having moments you love is rewarding. But, can only keep one going for so long. Like wearing down the auxiliary battery, sleep is inevitable. That’s where the body finds a turbo charge. Do you stay up and enjoy those fleeting chances to make memories?         Some may say, “I’ll sleep when I am dead.” Fact is no one lives forever. Those good deeds performed; these precious memories being made are as if using your resources t

The Possibility of Disaster

          Does it hurt to ask? With the wrong elements come the wrong reaction. Check your chemistry. Atmosphere is of importance. How much? That amount is for you to decide. We have a periodic table, but then we’ve got umbrellas. How much do you let the atmosphere and elements affect you? The importance, the limit each of these things play into your decisions differs with every individual. The expectation or credit assigned to ever aspect.            There are certainly penalties if you bask. The term glory hounds; aren’t these finders and seekers. However, the extended victory celebration comes with the possibility of penalty. There is an expectation of sportsmanship. I remember my father being riled up when any other ACC football team would face Miami (Florida). The showboat style was part of their flare. However, the reward of stopping them or raining out any potential parade? Individual values.           The inherit risks of free speech include being offensive and the right

Project 252: The Beginning

Thursday and Friday were spent traveling. Some of the photographs are below. I packed my "writing" bag with a few things, charged my camera up, then took off for Reeds. Perhaps when I feel satisfied with putting together the continental family history I will aspire to extend my hobby to Europe. Michael Craver, the original settler in America As a coincidence I was carrying a book I purchased for my father. I took to the asphalt and headed back towards Northern Davidson. TO my surprise I could not sneak in and simply leave the book. Dad was by the end of, his rather long, driveway. So, I parked with the car running and got out to help him work. We were maintaining the foliage and shrubbery on both sides of the road. How could I turn down a home cooked dinner. I didn't snap any photos of the corn, but it was delicious just the same. Country style steak and we had a great time talking. Then we went back out to work some more. Watering other bushes. Remember these