Girlfriend Application

 by: Michael L. Craver

This is the result of a quarter-century of time, hundreds of thousands of messages, and common sense. My best advice is to think hard... Show enthusiasm and creativity and tell the complete truth. The more well-thought out and precise every answer is, the better off everyone will be. 

Here we go...

1.     Describe your transportation situation (i.e., own, rent, lease, hitchhiking):

2.      Describe your living situation (i.e., owner, renter, squatting, halfway house):

3.      Describe your career situation (i.e., full-time, part-time, crowdfunded, welfare):

4.      What is your availability (work schedule, custody, commitments)?

5.      Have you participated in adult entertainment (defined as selling photos, videos, performing on stage, or otherwise NSFW content with or without pay):

6.      Piercings, ink, and alterations (permanent or temporary such as nails, lashes):

7.      Why are you single [ also: there is no time or character limit on this answer ]:

8.      Dealbreakers or pet peeves:

9.      How to handle a disagreement:

10. When saved to your significant other’s phone, what would your ringtone be:

11. You need “space”: a test? Peaceful serenity? Back tracking out the door?

12.  How many ounces in a pound?  (did you google the answer?):

13. Previous traumatic events, bad breakups, anxiety and/or medications for same?

14. Importance - assign a percentage to these (out of 100%): communication, sex, financial security, experimentation, cleanliness/hygiene, anatomy, cultural taste, chivalry, culinary skills, gifts, cuddling, love letters, intelligence, and parenting?

15. What skills do you have around the house?

16. How do you keep daily communication interesting?

17. Expert abilities to please your man? (and 3 things you’d like to work on):

18.  If you’re not big on social graces, where would you slip on down to?

19. Oil changes – How many miles in between, and what blend is in your engine?

20. Allergies? Fears? Things you would never do? Hard limits?

21. Plan a vacation with each partner contributing $300:

22. Hair: Bun, flat-iron,  who cares pull-it!, hands run through it, ponytail, don’t care?

23. 3-day romantic trip leaves in 20 minutes: how many bags and whats inside?

24. Shopping trip: Man is in or out of the dressing room? Can he help pick outfits?

25. Opens your door, drives, you pick music, rubs your feet while driving; reaction?

26. Sunday: both off, no plans, you wake up first… What happens thereafter?


Name: __________________      Age: 29      Location:___________

What are you seeking?:_____________     

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