The Conscience of Distance

The gift of space and time, like food will spoil as they age. There's a responsibility we have as caregivers and neighbors to keep folks on the radar. Just enough to say hello and not too far away to deliver first aid. Like a runner on first base, we take a stride and get a lead. We're ready for action and waiting to run home. But, sometimes that lead off gets us picked off. We get a comfortable distance from the safest and closest base. Forgetting to check what's going on around us. Caught high and dry and tagged out. This happens to everyone at some point. We only meant to enhance our team. No one is out there trying to be left on base or caught stealing. Communication often mimics the base runners of baseball. We work hard and wear down the lady to make it to first base. We've hit it off and ended up on base. Sometimes additional bases for the lucky strikes. We often only get so far. This is where my analogy seemingl...