
Showing posts from September, 2018

Weather to Duplicate

Finding the difference in memorizing a routine with safety against the passion for creativity. My love for surprise and originality can go beyond the limits of good taste because I don't have a box. No hypothetical or established measure that outline going too far. There is a love to be loved. Ingredients for my romance that are great places to start mixing. Instead of limiting my vision to seeing limits and tendencies in her, instead I see potential. Starting points to expand. Concocting ways to be unforgettable. Days with blue skies I want her to clearly see how she shines like a diamond. Rainy days are times to echo my support and hear her dreams. The sun comes around again to energize all that we worked for. I believe these are the reasons that I stand out. A generation of so-called thinkers, and do it yourself people searching for instructional videos. Someone else's recipe will not taste the same for you. Use what you're working with in coordination with a creative

Climate Opening Windows of Change

When the rain unleashes itself, cuts the puppet strings and smothers everything below... Biting the hand that feeds, Storms recur as the world turns. But, the monstrosities of modern day come from our influence. Industry is the performance enhancing supplement man gives to the forces of nature. Formerly, we'd talk of these events only by exaggeration. Then we've changed the world and made the tall tales possible. Cyclones and washouts destroying the civilization that added the strength. Forcing new industrious projects to replace debris. Perhaps as the old is washed away the new will cleanse destructive technologies into brighter options. Things we'd never swap out. Yet, nature does it for us. We have the chance as we rebuild to implement subtle options. Erecting fresh starts with fewer side effects. Nature providing labor, insured to finance the future we choose. So, will the direction take us to spin a vicious cycle? Perhaps we straighten ourselves and our path to a

Chew Your Words Wisely...

How do folks correct what they don't know? I'm asked so often for answers; for direction. I also interject, but I don't expect to be taken seriously when its not been asked. Yet, I chuckle when I listen to my assessments. Undue and uncomfortable. Opinions are their own justifications . While I appreciate folks' time, I am de-valued by their words. Judgements before and against feel the same over time. Its the situation that must be endured. Unable to put our hands in our mouths, unable to hold our tongues. Expressions which create pressure. Perhaps there are no intentions. Label it abrasive feedback. Still, there is an anxiety to hold back or to absorb. Those words will take seed, the emotions like fertilizer, something fresh grows. Are you gardening weeds or something sacred? Often, they are together. We must pan through our words to find nuggets. Decipher the valuables and speak them wisely. Refining our choices amd scoping the outcome toward a better crop for the