
Almost Surely…

 by Michael L. Crave Sixteen Years ago, all sides of the family came together. Changing their routine and stopping in. Celebrating the life of Riley.   Each visitor with a chance to look and to hold the future… A very bright one. When we were crafting her name, we wanted her initials to bring history together. Marissa from her father, but dating back to the Craver’s American arrival in 1777 (the original Michael). Riley, from her mother’s first and middle initial- reworked as a tribute to her amazing grandmother; the matriarch; Shirley. I even call her RileyJo from time to time… Because Debbie Jo is my mother. My daughter possesses all her best qualities. Monograms were a theme in the mid-2000s. Times change, but we envisioned her jackets and bags would look special with MRC to represent a child of perfect unity.  Her approach to life brings together the best of genes. Her mother’s intellect and thirst for knowledge with the Craver charisma tempered with mercy. Constantly taking

About Father Land

 by Michael L. Craver Dad; An Engineer without Patent, My father harvested in me, the fundamental values of going to work. I cannot remember my father ever asking me for a thing. I don’t know of any time that he asked anyone else for anything. The son of a farmer, and himself; a student of the land. There’s no coincidence he’s inspecting the city to keep infrastructure in check. He came from strong rural roots. Ones which cities are built upon. A strong family nucleus comprised of ambitious individuals. Strengthening community around them for a stronger chemistry. When I was not in school, we were on the job site. Evenings spent through the trails in the forest to find, cut, and haul firewood. Stacking newly cut pieces in our shelter built using tree trunks for support posts and leftover tin from a barn project that provided a roof. Bark smeared on my hands and sap in the hair of my arms - my favorite smells. Quite similar to the fresh lumber coming off the table saw, cut and na

Almost Sunset

Modern Dreams about Ancient Times A dream following five family members. My father, my daughter, and two other folks riding with me while returning home from some kind of event. In this dream they somehow convinced us to stop for fancy coffee. An establishment fairly close to home. The time was later afternoon, early evening, post exciting outing. We were going home to relax and get some rest. Our point in stopping was to get a refreshing drink and cool off.  We parked and everyone walked in. The counter was shaped like something from Tetris. Long stretch then a right angle, and another long stretch parallel to the first. This design had a series of registers in different directions. Everyone got in line for their cashier like the rows to sit in on a roller coaster. Each person standing up to order. No drive-thru. In the lobby, I was speaking with my father out amongst the booths. The gals went through the line, placed the order, and then went to the restroom. The twist came after they