Almost Sunset

Modern Dreams about Ancient Times A dream following five family members. My father, my daughter, and two other folks riding with me while returning home from some kind of event. In this dream they somehow convinced us to stop for fancy coffee. An establishment fairly close to home. The time was later afternoon, early evening, post exciting outing. We were going home to relax and get some rest. Our point in stopping was to get a refreshing drink and cool off. We parked and everyone walked in. The counter was shaped like something from Tetris. Long stretch then a right angle, and another long stretch parallel to the first. This design had a series of registers in different directions. Everyone got in line for their cashier like the rows to sit in on a roller coaster. Each person standing up to order. No drive-thru. In the lobby, I was speaking with my father out amongst the booths. The gals went through the line, placed the order, and then went to the restroom. The twist came after ...