
Showing posts from May, 2023

The M Path

by Michael L. Craver Giving birth is the beginning of a new journey. Changing times mean no path is certain. The chance to succeed or fail is beyond any math or science… An obligation to evasively maneuver the winding roads that will remain under construction for eternity. Carrying a weight of unknown potential and sacrificing every moment going forward- the gravity of decisions. The quality of our future depends on the choices of caregivers. The idea of ‘self’ is an extension of one’s body and incorporates everything that affects us. Doing for another is a karmic offering to the environment around us. The many moving elements of the world help determine each butterfly effect. What we do for ourselves includes the deeds toward others that bounce back our way. Mothers are the ultimate scientists. Raising these live studies in humanity. Mixing the need for compassion and emotional balance with the bold truth of where the world is today. Having to choose what may or will be… Many th