
Showing posts from August, 2022

Origin of the Verb

  The backstory here: During a discussion with someone, I was meeting an evasive set of vague answers that were designed to end the conversation without clarity. My definition of the truth… is what you believe. This is also, being honest. Until such time that you have facts disputing what you believe. Then you no longer believe the truth. At this point, you are dishonest. I also define the act of honesty by the length of the answer in relation to a line. The shortest distance between two points is honest; anything longer is dishonest. --------------------------------------------------------- Ultimately, someone “said so,” etc. is not a reason. ‘Said’ is the verb, which is an act derived from the reason. I am looking for the origin of the verb. --------------------------------------------------------- Inquiry: Questions representing a cave system with a need to find daylight on the other side. Pick a tunnel and root it to the end, hoping for the way out. However, often we’

Expanse v. Endangered:
Discipline is Voluntary

Controls are a vital mechanism of any experiment. The conscious, and those who are not, all participate in these evolutionary gambles. Animals  suffer displacement as humans expand. Species have acclimated to specific climates and conditions throughout existence. When a forest disappears, the inhabitants aren’t simply in need of adjustment, they’re constrained by evolution.  Imagine the despair of a person who loses a home. Their housing is an environment built to control the elements. There’s seven billion fellow humans and a series of sanctuary like options we’ve developed to accommodate refugees. Does nature have this?  Humans partition wildlife preserves because the animals are best in as natural a habitat as possible. Communities ban exotic and endangered species from ownership. We can take in our neighbor who is experiencing housing issues… But, not a tiger or a protected snake. These creatures pose a danger.  Species disappear every day. Chosen ones will be extracted and monitor