by Michael L. Craver Adjusting to sleeping on the balcony wasn’t easy on her. This was the most expensive room; where just outside the temperature was coldest at night. He grew up in a less fortunate situation. Everyone in the family contributed for vacation to happen. There simply wasn’t enough money in smaller denominations. Nonetheless, their problems followed them wherever they went. Even away from home, each scenario seemed to present a struggle. With so many people staying in one room, there wasn’t a place for sleeping simultaneously. Not inside there wasn’t. This is where his tradition began. Every trip to the beach he slept on the balcony. As he grew older, he’d even sleep there alone. Sure, this caused issues when he was taking a trip with a girl. Because he’d leave her sleeping in the bed to go outside. This woman was different. Now he knew that she was the one… She followed him outside and woke up smelling sunshine. The dry sweetness off the ocean and breeze cooli...