Chill Out: A Tale of Trust

Sitting under a tree and catching some shade after a long run. I’d thrown down my backpack and was doing a little stretching when it fell out. Of course, whenever I run, he’s with my sack and always trying to peek out. There’s a lot of times where the zipper is not snug. Besides, that’s just a natural urge for him to want to frolic free in nature. Basking in the sun for all to see. Just the way it should be, no judgement. That’s when this woman in her tie-dye leggings ran towards me. Like a kaleidoscope in motion she was alert. She reached out quickly and wasn’t afraid to be hands-on in the moment of vulnerability. Snatching him firm. She looked shocked at the decision she’d made. However, that look of happiness in her eyes. She’d made an excellent subconscious decision! To be honest, I was also pleased! She’s just met my little friend Ernie. Doesn’t have much hair on him, but he’s the life of the party. Size doesn’t really matter, does it? Well, it shouldn’t. Not if your feel...