
Showing posts from October, 2019

Confectionary Reconnaissance

Told him that she wanted to go hiking. Grabbed their walking sticks and proceeded without caution. Never explored this route before. Without a map they march together. They walk and talk, often rubbing shoulders. Now and again locking fingers. Arms sway and sweaty palms move through distance and time.  Every now and then the couple takes a rest. They need a break. He rests next to her. Gently caressing the sore knees and waiting for her signal to continue. Ladies first. Watching each step with caution. Pitfalls to the left or right. Dangerous terrain inhabited by wild creatures. As if they were tourists in a dark alley. He is her vigilance. They dialogue over the scenic struggle. He tells her of simple pleasures like his favorite candy bar. Finally, they reach the cliffside destination. Looking down on a beautiful cityscape. Clouds over the structures. There’s so much city in sight; without a sound. Just as they head back she turns twisting her ankle. Never quite falling to the g

Lithification Logic

Earth's stones were scattered across this world us before us. Throughout the landscape and over time.  We make monuments of them.  Civilizations have used them to cast one another down. G reat rocks erode with time.  Elements deconstruct them. We make use of their pieces.  Often, we have found ways to break them down manually.  Most are just too large in their original form to be carried.  They are overwhelming.  They are breathtaking.  Gravity may crush us with the weight; in and of these great rocks. Using heavy markers, the namesake, tombstones, to summarize demise. These features of nature,  prominent foundation of our commandments with God.  Time wears down these wonderful formations. Much as ideas…  We cannot fathom the scope of many a great thought. Principals which time and the elements will test.  Man, himself, will attempt to break them, as they've the stones of the world.  Damage to erect something more to his needs, in h