And Still... [A Mom Story]

The earliest stories of her name refer to Deborah- sole female judge of Israel. A legacy of peace. Her song speaks of victory and friendship. Unmistakably my mother. Undefeated. [ Judges 5:31: ] "'So perish all your enemies, O Lord ! But may your friends be like the sun as it rises in its might.' And the land had rest forty years." Today she is 69. Wiser than ever. Her tale is filled with thought and compassion for others. Beginning as a lighthouse to her sisters. Leaving home to become a nurse. Quickly evolving to teach the next generation of nurses and lead a revolution of changes nationwide. What began in Burke County quickly spread to a city near you… My mother has earned a fascinating reputation from developing a department she took over during infancy. Always remembering the legacy of those before her and fighting for their acknowledgement. Eventually she conquered the local challenges and expanded her masterplan. Logging hundreds of thousands of miles ...