
Showing posts from November, 2021

The Housing Crisis

  from Michael L. Craver The community was an experiment. Homeowners could build as many additional homes as they chose. You might ask how this is possible. These are tremendous investments to be making. Neighbors trusted each other to take care of the expansions. Banks lifted all financial restrictions and… After all, each dwelling requires maintenance and financing. So much time and devotion can go into caretaking for a home. Without attention these structures lose their personality. The financial responsibility is no less, until the loan has graduated. Fixing issues obviously adds to budget and strains resources. Many problems require hands-on attention. Emergencies that come up and need to be filed against the insurance to be repaired. Some cases are just poor construction and have inherent flaws from the day they’d begun. These additions tend to wear down the community. Resources spread thin. A limited number of people are skilled enough to craft the best homes. Rare is the

Pulling Out

  Depression is a falling star. Something many use as a spectator sport. Yet, others will find this to be a cosmic tragedy. The speed is unparalleled. Out of fuel, without rest, we are all susceptible to fatigue. The undefeated enemy of existence. On a long enough timeline, all things wear out. These depressing interiors, as the structure of self-collapses inward. A black hole created by personal choices. Sucking everything through an inversion of progress until nothing is left. This is what happens when hungry people battle nutrition. Cannibalizing themselves beyond recognition. There are few times in life that people openly utilize the resources for true help. Speaking when they should listen. Inner screams drowning the cries for help. Incapable of listening while overwhelmed by one’s own voice. Locked in a spiral, circling the drain. The once ambivalent rhythm of a heartbeat marching to its own drum, swallowed by darkness. Unable to break free of the gravity. Past the po